
remarriage n.再娶;再嫁;再婚。


Normally , they should all had the respect and expectation of the public . however , the event about his remarriage was widely criticized by major medias around the world . according to the survey , large part of people does not think that he can be the future king of england , and it should be his son 在上次的議題我們講到教宗,同樣的一個是未來的國王,一個是宗教的領導人,基本上都應受到百姓的尊重及期望,可是查爾斯再婚的事件卻搞到全球各大媒體的批評和爭論,根據民調大部分的人都不認為他有資格作英國未來的國王,應該把王位讓給他的兒子,并對他們的言辭極盡不堪入目尖酸苛薄,極不受人民擁戴。

She consulted a russian priest to ascertain how far divorce and remarriage was possible for a woman in her husbands lifetime . the priest assured her that this was impossible ; and to her delight referred her to the text in the gospel in which as it seemed to the priest remarriage during the lifetime of the husband was directly forbidden 她去請教一位俄國神父,丈夫在世時離婚和再嫁的可能性如何,神父告訴她這是不可以的,并且使她高興的是,指給她看一段福音經文,里面神父覺得斷然否定可以在丈夫在世時再次結婚。

One is the future king , and the other was the religion leader . normally , they should all had the respect and expectation of the public . however , the event about his remarriage was widely criticized by major medias around the world . according to the survey , large part of people does not think that he can be the future king of england , and it should be his son 在上次的議題我們講到教宗,同樣的一個是未來的國王,一個是宗教的領導人,基本上都應受到百姓的尊重及期望,可是查爾斯再婚的事件卻搞到全球各大媒體的批評和爭論,根據民調大部分的人都不認為他有資格作英國未來的國王,應該把王位讓給他的兒子,并對他們的言辭極盡不堪入目、尖酸苛薄,極不受人民擁戴。

A father ' s remarriage early in a child ' s life makes it more likely that the child will provide help later in life , but the same transition when the child is an adult reduces the chances of a child helping the father 在一個孩子還很小的時候父親再婚,孩子成年后贍養父親的可能性很大,但是,在孩子成年后發生同樣的婚變則減少了贍養父親的可能性。

Start with its engagement , marriage , divorce , and remarriage , it anatomises the whole process of the daur marriage custom and the change after release , reflecting the daur lively nationals characteristic 從其訂婚、結婚、離婚、再醮入手,深入淺出地剖析了達斡爾族婚姻習俗的全過程以及解放后的變化,體現了達斡族鮮明的民族特色。

It is unprecedented for an heir to the throne to marry in a civil ceremony , but the church of england - - which charles will head when he becomes king - - has qualms about remarriage for divorcees 王位繼承人舉行平民婚禮(在英國歷史上)史無前例,但是查爾斯繼承王位后將要統領的英國大教堂對離異再婚有所疑慮。

His father died before his birth , and his mother ' s remarriage to a man who did not want him around meant that isaac ' s early years were spent in the care of his grandmother 由于他父親在他出生前就去世了,而他母親改嫁后的丈夫又很嫌棄他,艾薩克在祖母的照顧下度過了他的童年時光。

The sources reveal information about the demographic structure and the spaces of women ' s lives , and describe the threats faced by qing widows , such as kidnap and forced remarriage 本文將以人口結構及婦女生活空間為切入點,申述清代寡婦面臨家外世界無賴棍徒綁架、逼嫁的威脅。

Several lingayat practices , now largely abandoned , such as the remarriage of widows and the burial of the dead , are deliberately antinomian 林伽派信徒的習性,例如寡婦再婚和死者的埋葬,現在很大程度上被拋棄,故意地摒棄社會道德規范。

Third , remarriage for widows was accepted , although most elderly widows devoted their attention more to buddhist faith than to worldly relations 年輕的寡婦再嫁雖?當時人所認可,但是年長的寡婦則大多將心思物力投注于佛教信仰之上。

Forced remarriage , the sale of widows , and the difficulties of widow chastity were components of paradoxical interactive cycle in qing society 清代社會彌漫的搶孀逼嫁、拐賣之風,與寡婦守節之困境間,實存在互為循環的吊詭。

Article 30 children shall have respect for their parents “ matrimonial rights and shall not interfere in their parents “ remarriage and postnuptial life 第三十條子女應當尊重父母的婚姻權利,不得干涉父母再婚以及婚后的生活。

Troubled by his mother ' s sudden remarriage to his uncle kulo - ngam , he swears to find the truth 藏王駕崩,王子拉摩洛丹趕回奔喪,卻發現叔叔已登基為新王,并娶了美麗的母后。

In his epigram samuel johnson called remarriage a triumph of hope over experience 在他的警句中塞繆爾?約翰遜把再婚稱作希望對經歷的勝利。

Women ' s rights with regard to divorce and remarriage are also duly guaranteed 婦女離婚和再婚的權利也得到了應有的保障。

If her husband knew about her remarriage , he ' d turn over in his grave 如果她丈夫知道她再婚的事,他雖死難安。

An empirical analysis of attitudes of two generations on elderly remarriage 兩代人對老年人再婚態度的實證分析

The matrimonial decision - making right of women in remarriage in the qing dynasty 論清代再婚婦女的婚姻自主權

When would remarriage be permitted 什么時候允許再婚?