
remarkable adj.值得注意的,驚人的;顯著的;非凡的,非常(好)的...


It is likely that this is the most remarkable echo in the world . 簡直可以說這是天底下最出色的回聲。

At last the norse yoke was broken by two remarkable men . 挪威人的桎梏最終被兩個杰出的人物所粉碎。

Geneen's personal skills were regarded by many as truly remarkable . 許多人認為吉寧的確身手不凡。

Spirit and dash shown by commanders and troops have been remarkable . 官兵的精神和銳氣高得驚人。

The plan was a remarkable intellectual feat . 這個計劃也真算得上是一項十分出色的智力上的成就。

From this theory came a host of remarkable predictions . 從這個理論出發導出了許多驚人的預言。

This is a most remarkable and supernatural sort of house ! 這是一所最非凡和最不可思議的房子!

His legislative record in both houses was remarkable . 他在參眾兩院立法方面的成就都為人稱道。

For her to have survived such an ordeal was remarkable . 她居然能經得起這種磨難,真了不起。

The echinodermata are furnished with remarkable organs . 棘皮動物具有一種引人注意的器官。

He is remarkable for precocity . 他早熟得驚人。

The physical characteristics of the neutrino are remarkable . 中微子的物理特征非同尋常。

Taiwan has staged a remarkable economic performance . 臺灣在經濟上已創造出驚人的成績。

Mr. winkle was always remarkable for extreme humanity . 文克爾先生向來以大慈大悲出名。

This speech caused a remarkable sensation among the party . 這番話惹得大伙兒十分驚慌。

She makes herself too remarkable . 她這人鋒芒畢露。

The nose is a remarkable sensitive detection device . 嗅覺是一種非常靈敏的控測器官。

A remarkable improvement came upon him as to this . 關于這一點他已經有了顯著的改善。

His diagnostic skills were regarded as remarkable . 人們認為,他的診斷能力卓爾不群。