
remark n.1.注意,觀察。2.話,言語;評論,意見。短語和例子...


There was not much punch in his remarks . 他的話沒啥力量。

Nothing worthy of remark happened . 沒有發生值得注意的事。

That rude remark was not called for ! 何必說那么難聽的話!

Your remark is an insult to him . 你的評論對他是一種侮辱。

He was very angry at the remarks made by his teacher . 他對老師的批語很生氣。

This remark had a curious effect upon bertha . 這句話對伯莎有一種奇特的作用。

Her remarks savor of hypocrisy . 她說的話聽起來有點兒虛偽。

In every remark he found a meaning . 別人說的每句話,他都能找出點言外之意來。

Her remark pulled me up short . 我聽到她的話后一下子愣住了。

I will not be influenced by your flattering remarks . 你恭維奉承也無濟于事。

His unkind remark made my blood boil . 他那不友善的說話使我無名火起三千丈。

The remarks are meaningful and thought-provoking . 耐人尋味。

They accredit these remarks to him . 他們認為那些話是他說的。

He made a gracious and honest remark . 他講了幾句冠冕堂皇而又出自真心的話。

Your remarks were certainly well timed . 你的話說得正是時候。

Facetious remarks are part of his stock-in-trade . 講俏皮話是他的拿手好戲。

His remark is full of contradictions and flaws . 他的話前后矛盾,破綻百出。

He is accredited with these remarks . 他們認為那些話是他說的。

His remark set everybody laughing . 他這一句話引得大家笑起來。