
remand n.1. 召回;送回。2.【法律】還押(命令);被還押者...

remand home

In 1997 , 6937 offenders were remanded for suitability reports , and the selection board deemed 3790 - 3367 males and 423 females - suitable for admission to a training centre or the detention centre 年內,共有6937名犯人接受羈留評審,其中3790人經甄別委員會審定適宜進入教導所或勞教中心,包括3367名男犯和423名女犯。

Judge alan goldsack , qc , the recorder of sheffield , remanded lloyd in custody and adjourned the case to a date to be fixed in september . psychiatric reports are to be prepared 身為皇室法律顧問和謝菲爾德特委法官的阿蘭?戈德薩克,裁定勞埃德必須還押候審,修庭至9月。警方和檢方將對勞埃德做精神鑒定。

Arrested for illegal possession of arms , the three americans were remanded in custody until march 26 , but their lawyer said they reserved the right to apply for bail to a higher court 這三個美國人由于非法擁有武器而被捕,并將拘押到3月26日,但他們的律師表示他們保留向最高法庭申請保釋的權利。

Hotel owns pub , leisure centre , teahouse and book - bar at the same time for guests s remands . the international convention center , with a seating capacity of 300 people , offers various conference service 新華國際酒店同時還擁有酒廊休閑中心和茶坊書吧,為商務客人提供不同類型的娛樂服務。

Article 192 the people ' s court which originally tried a case shall form a new collegial panel for the case remanded to it for retrial , in accordance with the procedure of first instance 第一百九十二條原審人民法院對于發回重新審判的案件,應當另行組成合議庭,依照第一審程序進行審判。

Judge alan wright adjourned the case until january 16 , 2006 for mitigation and sentence . the defendants were remanded in the custody of the correctional services department 法官韋毅志把案件押后至明年一月十六日,以聽取各被告的求情及判刑,并下令將被告還押懲教署看管。

Sim was arrested in an interpol operation in singapore on july 6 and sent back to malaysia , where he has been remanded for 60 days , the paper said 7月6日,沈昌邁在新加坡一場國際刑警組織的行動中被捕,隨后被遣返馬來西亞,他的還押候審期為60天,該報說。

Many disadvantages exists in practice by regulating remanding for a new trial for the reason of “ fact being not dear and evidence being not enough “ 規定二審對原審判決認定事實不清、證據不足可以發回重審,實踐中存在很大弊端。

In other developments , a london court has remanded into custody the first suspect in the july 21 incidents to face formal legal charges 在另一方面,倫敦一家法庭將第一個涉嫌7月21號爆炸案的嫌疑人扣押候審,讓他們接受正式起訴。

“ for the retrial of a remanded case , the people ' s court of first instance shall form a new collegial panel in accordance with the procedure of first instance . 發回重審的案件,原審人民法院應當按照第一審程序另行組成合議庭。

The third is that remanding for a new trial for the reason of “ fact being not clear and evidence being not enough “ is not in accordance with e vi - 三是以“事實不清,證據不足”為由改判或發回重審不符合證據規則的要求。

They will be charged with “ trafficking in a dangerous drug “ and appear in eastern magistrates courts tomorrow ( october 1 ) for remand 他們將會被落案控以販運危險藥物罪名,并會于明日(十月一日)在東區裁判法院提堂。

At the end of each roll play , the trainer should give a summary critique , and remand the strength and weakness of each one 在每一組練習結束后,訓導師應進行評估,指出練習中的優點,同時指正需要改進方面。

In other developments , a london court has remanded into custody the first suspect in the july 21 incidents to face formal legal charges 其它方面,倫敦一個法院把7月21號爆炸案的第一個嫌犯還押候審。

In march , the high court judge decided to revoke his bail and had him remanded in prison pending trial about six months later 3月,高等法院大法官決定取消他的保釋,還押監房,等候案件于半年后開審。

During the pre - trial , the court revokes the former carrian chairman s application for bail and has him remanded to await trial 預審期間,法庭撤銷前佳寧主席的保釋申請,還押羈留病旁,等候開審。

If the higher people ' s court does not agree with the death sentence , it may bring the case up for trial or remand the case for retrial 高級人民法院不同意判處死刑的,可以提審或者發回重新審判。

The suspect was remanded in custody because someone who claimed to be a witness offered some new evidence 因為有一自稱目擊者的人提供新的證據,所以嫌疑犯被送返監獄候審。

The unlimited remanding for a new trial wastes precious judicial resources and influences lawsuit efficiency 無限制的發回重審浪費了寶貴的司法資源,影響了司法的效率。