
remake vt.再作,再制;重造,改造,改作,修改,翻新。n.重制...


But now all this has changed and the city has remade itself into what it calls “ the culture capital of australia ” 但現在這一切都變了,這個城市已經把自己重新塑造成了“澳大利亞的文化之都” 。

In 1995 , at 18 , she was cast for the lead in a contemporary remake of jane austin ' s emma . silverstone - “ oh , get off of me . 1995年, 18歲的西爾維斯通在當代版的簡奧斯丁的愛瑪中擔綱主角。

Other movies listed in the same price range are spider man 3 , king kong and a remake of the poseidon adventure 其它與此斥資相仿的影片包括《蜘蛛俠3 》 、 《金剛》和翻拍的《海神號遇險記》 。

The only problem is that the money they pay for the right to remake is not that much . i wish it s a little more 唯一的問題是,美方并未能開出較高價錢購買版權,我個人來說是希望能多一點。

28 love doesn ' t sit there like a stone . it has to be made like bread ; remade all the time . . made new 愛不是一塊木頭,一動不動的坐在那里;對待愛,要像做面包那樣- -反復揉搓,不斷翻新。

Io ' s surface is constantly being made and remade through the lava deposits streaming from its many active volcanoes 木衛一的表面不斷的被其眾多的活火山涌出的熔巖沉積物重新塑造著。

A remake of the 1955 comedy , the story revolves around a southern professor who puts together a group of thieves to rob a casino 他們租住賭場附近的大屋,以建造一條通往賭場藏金? .

A normal office life become a colorful love story . remake from japanese version of working girl tv series 她是個總務科的職員,每天面著各式各樣的人板,令她逐漸變得心灰意冷。

Rather than calling it an “ adaptation “ , it is perhaps better referring it as a remake , and indeed a very loyal one 與其稱作改篇,還不如說這是一個原汁原味的重拍版本。

Then , the fault is remade in middle and late himalayan period , showing the characteristics of brittle thrust in many times 充分反映該斷裂具多期次活動的脆性逆沖特征。

I use already used in game options , dont add any new effects , but remake already in game effects 不會拖電腦的速度.他只是修改了貼圖已經存在的特效,而沒有增加特效

Katie proved how talented she is musically when she performed in the singing detective remake . “而凱蒂的音樂才能則在她主演的《唱歌神探》重拍版本中得到了證明。 ”

Katie proved how talented she is musically when she performed in the singing detective remake . “而凱蒂的音樂才能則在她主演的唱歌神探重拍版本中得到了證明。 ”

Its essence is to remake a kind of unequal economy and culture tendency and politics hegemonism 其實質就是重新制造一種不平等的經濟與文化的趨勢和政治霸權主義。

Analysis of industrial development in zhangye district , gansu province in the turning point of remaking hexi corridor 再造河西契機下張掖地區產業增長態勢分析

A french actress arrives in hiroshima to begin work on the remake of “ hiroshima mon amour . 法國女演員來到廣島,準備參與廣島之戀的重拍工作。

Attempts to remake the partner rather than compromising causes constant friction 不是以協商的方式,而是以改造伴侶的方式將會帶來持續的摩擦。

Dynamic analysis and remake of exit pipeline vibration of ethylene compressor in superhigh pressure 乙烯超高壓壓縮機出口管線振動分析及改造

A french actress arrives in hiroshima to begin work on the remake of “ hiroshima mo . . 法國女演員來到廣島,準備參與廣島之戀的重拍工作。