
remainder n.1.剩余物,殘余,剩余;剩下的人,殘留者,其余的人。...


Returns the integer quotient , which drops the remainder 返回整數商,丟掉了余數。

He spent the remainder of his life in paris 他在巴黎度過他人生的其馀的時間。

Howle : so , it ' s a charitable remainder trust 他有一大筆用于慈善事業的剩余基金

For the remainder of its validity period 有效期尚未屆滿的旅游證費用為港幣$ 165 。

Leave the defaults for the remainder of the settings 其余設置均采用缺省設置。

. . . allowing us to concentrate the remainder of our defense 加強其它地方的防衛

I spent the remainder of the afternoon in play 我花了下午其馀的時間在游戲上。

Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder 將兩個數相除并只返回余數。

Returns the remainder resulting from dividing two specified 值相除所得的余數。

The remainder of the letter is for yourself alone 這下面的話是給你一個人看的。

Operator mod returns the remainder from a truncating division 。整除用mod表示

Check gyro and do not reset remainder of approach 檢查陀螺儀,進近時勿再撥置。

The image of karen, her breathtaking beauty, warm smile and gentle voice, stayed with nim through the remainder of the drive downtown . 凱倫的形象,她那驚人的美貌、熱情的微笑和柔和的聲音在尼姆駕車去市內的路上一直在他的腦海中縈繞。

As for the remainder of the family, both the youngest girl and boy were too small to really understand much of what it was all about or to care . 至于這一家其余的人,那最小的男孩和女孩,年紀都太小,還不能真正懂得這是怎么一回事。

During natural condensation part of the particle population become activated and grow into cloud or fog droplets while the remainder remain inactivated . 在自然凝結過程中,部分粒子活化并生長成云或霧滴,而余下部分保持沒有活化。

The cranstons and finchleys were in the main a thorn in the flesh of the remainder of the elite of lycurgus-too showy and too aggressive . 克化斯頓家和芬琪雷家,是菜科格斯其余有身分的人中的眼中釘:太喜歡出風頭,太氣焰逼人。

If, however, part of this range is filtered out and only the remainder of the visible spectrum reaches the eye, we see a colour . 但是,如果將整個可見光譜中的一部分濾掉,而只讓其余部分到達人眼,我們就會看到某種彩色。

The stabilizing effects of increasing drop size were already discussed and will be further documented in the remainder of this selection . 關于增加液滴尺寸所起的穩定作用已經討論過,并將在本節做進一步的證明。

Only a minimum of strut is exposed to the airstream, the remainder being shielded by fairings not attached to the balance . 天平支桿只有很小一部分暴露在風洞氣流中,而其余部分都用和天平不相連的風擋罩起來。