
remain vi.1.剩余,剩下;遺留,留下;活著(未死)。2.逗留...


Carbonized plant remains are commonly abundant . 碳化植物殘余通常是豐富的。

This visit will always remain in my memory . 這次訪問將永遠留在我的記憶中。

Many questions remain to be answered . 還有許多問題有待解決。

He remained loyal to me through thick and thin . 他歷盡艱辛始終都忠實于我。

The program remained clouded with controversy . 對于這個方案仍然眾說紛紜。

The man remained immobile as before . 那人還在那里,安然不動。

She remained at death 's door for weeks . 她的生命好幾個星期處在危險狀態。

She had thought to remain a bystander . 她想保持局外人的角色。

The ships remained far out in the harbour . 船隊仍停泊在港內遠遠的水面上。

His remains were interred in the cemetery . 他的遺體葬在墓地。

One distasteful incident remained . 曾發生過一個不愉快的事件。

This account has remained unsettled for a long time ... 這筆帳懸了好久了。

Skiing remained the weak spot of the chinese team . 滑雪仍是中國隊的弱項。

The cars remained stationary for some time . 車子暫時停止不動。

The problem of disposing of the bodies remains . 問題就在于如何處理尸體。

Not a soul remained within the enclosure . 柵欄里已經沒有人了。

The remains of the meal were fed to the dog .. 殘羹剩飯喂狗了。

The custom remained the same down the ages . 這個風俗自古以來一直沒有變。

An important question remains to be discussed . 一個重要的問題尚待討論。