
rem n.(pl. REMS) 【心理學】眼的迅速跳動〔指人做...


Rem . 89 note that memory allocation methods often do not initialize the allocated memory to a particular value 為了減少影響系統性能的磁盤碎片,應避免分配小內存塊。

Molly : good point . well , i have to go listen to a band called rem . they sing out of their big noses 莫莉:有道理。我要走了,去聽rem樂隊唱歌。他們用大鼻子來唱!

The data includes how many rem episodes the user experienced during the night and at what times 信息包括用者在夜晚經歷的快速眼動出現的次數以及出現的具體時間。

This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called rem sleep 這一眼部快速運動時期大約持續8到15分鐘,我們稱這一時期為雷姆期睡眠。

But when other factors were monitored , it was found that the animals showed the characteristics of rem sleep 研究發現所有睡眠中的動物時均表現此特征, 。

In the field of rights in rem , equity at the lower level is not contradictory with efficiency 摘要在物權領域,淺層面的物權公平與物權效率并不矛盾。

Rem sleep also profoundly affects brain systems that control the body ' s internal organs Rem睡眠還會大大影響腦中控制著體內器官的幾個系統。

Writ in rem 對物訴訟令狀

Rem sleep , however , is the proverbial riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma 然而rem睡眠,卻是眾所皆知的包于謎團中的謎中之謎。

But a pilot whale was noted as having six minutes of rem in a single night 但一條巨頭鯨在一個單獨的夜里被記錄有6分鐘的眼的迅速跳動。

Mr webb is in rem more than half the night , having feature - length dreams 韋布夜里大部分時間都在進行快速動眼運動,還會做長時間的夢。

Psd mode1 derived of rems , according to cohen ' s small pedesta1 s1eep deprivation method 每組又隨機分為增殖組及分化組,各n絹。

Rem comment comment 各部分說明

In chapter 4 , the hardware and software design of rems are discussed in detail 第四章詳細介紹了系統實現的硬件設計和軟件設計。

One method of demonstrating mean value theo rem for differential calculus and its application 一種證明微分中值定理的方法及其應用

Effects of rem sleep deprivation on amino - acid neurotransmitter contents in rat brain 慢性不完全性睡眠剝奪對幼鼠學習記憶的影響

This finding supports the idea that non - rem sleep wards off metabolic harm 這項發現支持了非rem睡眠可以避免代謝傷害的想法。

Rem s rem per secon 每秒人體倫琴當量

Rem . 58 the integer constant 0 may be cast implicitly to any pointer type 整形常量0可以隱式地轉化為任何一種類型的指針。