
rely vi.1.倚賴,依靠,仗恃。2.信任,信賴 (on, u...


Everywhere, colonists had to rely mainly on small farms and self-sufficiency . 不論在什么地方,殖民者都必須主要依賴小農場和自給自足。

The highly sophisticated electronic methods rely on either light or radio wave propagation . 較復雜的電子技術是利用光或無線電波傳播。

You can rely on your solicitor 's professionalism in dealing with the house purchase . 你盡可依靠你的律師的專業地位處理購房事宜。

Without tactical experience the us navy had to rely heavily on war-gaming . 由于沒有實戰經驗,美國海軍在很大程度上只得依靠演習。

The amateur astronomer must consult the exposure meter and not rely on his senses . 業余天文學家必須參照曝光表而不能光靠感覺。

This decentralized economic system relied on the legal immobility of the serf . 這種分散的經濟制度依賴于農奴在法律上的固定性。

We must n't rely on sheer enthusiasm and substitute our personal feelings for policy . 我們不能僅憑著熱情而用感情去代替政策。

Those who relied on soviet support were bound to become progressively disillusioned . 那些依靠蘇聯支持的人一定會越來越醒悟。

For people who relied on agriculture for their living this was a serious matter . 對于靠務農為生的人來說,這是個很大的缺陷。

It is normal to rely upon paint or varnish to protect the exposed wood surfaces . 一般是用油漆或清漆來保護暴露的木材表面。

They decided to wage a war of attrition rather than to rely on an all-out attack . 他們決定打一場消耗戰,而不搞全線出擊。

The days when the chinese people had to rely on imported oil are gone forever . 中國人民依靠洋油的日子已經一去不復返了。

This process relies on a catalyst of high selectivity and weak activity . 這過程所靠的是一種高選擇性和低活性的催化劑。

In practice, he must rely too often on experiments carried out mentally . 事實上,他不得不常常依靠在頭腦中進行的實驗。

You can always rely on angela -- she would never let the side down . 你盡可完全信賴安吉拉她從不使同事感到失望。

The method relies on the constancy of masses and of the length of the wire . 這種方法依賴于懸重和弦長的恒定性。

He probably in extremity relies on the tail that has been docked . 也許在緊急情況下他想依賴他已經不存在的尾巴。

Mountaineers rely on the mountains , just like those by the waterside profit from water . 靠山吃山,靠水吃水。

Will it be sufficient to rely on the heterozygosity of one clone ? 是否依靠一個無性系的雜合性就足夠了?