
reluctant adj.1.厭惡的,嫌厭的,不高興的;不情愿的,勉強的(...


I was reluctant to do over the stitching in the dress 我不愿意把衣服上的線腳拆了重縫

When i have to go back , i am always reluctant to go 每次該回城時,我總是戀戀不舍。

Some shops were reluctant to accept hong kong dollars 有些店鋪甚至不愿意收取港元。

Some tribes may be , uh , reluctant to embrace you 有一些宗族并不情愿于您交好

Why are men more reluctant to do yoga than women 為什么男人更不愿意練習瑜伽

But the bangladeshis have been reluctant hosts 但是孟加拉人已經不愿意做主人了。

She refused my invitation with a reluctant smile 她勉強的微笑著拒絕了我的邀請。

Let me walk into your mind . that is very reluctant 讓我走進你的心靈是很勉強的

We are sometimes reluctant to believe in progress 我們有時不愿相信取得了進步。

Why did voldemort seem reluctant to kill lily 為什么伏地魔似乎不愿意殺掉莉莉?

Though it would have been easy enough to pick some technical quarrel with him, over an undelivered essay for example, dixon was reluctant to do so . 雖然要找他一點專業術語方面的岔子并不困難,比如從一篇還沒有上交的論文中挑點毛病,但狄克遜不愿意那么做。

This attitude coupled with a degree of “witch doctor“ chemistry surrounding admixtures had led to a slow and reluctant acceptance of these materials . 對外加劑的化學作用帶有某種程度“巫醫”的看法,使得這些材料的應用緩慢而勉強。

They used to go upstairs together on tiptoe, each with a candle, and on the third landing exchange reluctant good-nights . 他倆常常各自擎著蠟燭,躡著足尖,一同上樓,在第三層樓梯平臺上,依依不舍地互道晚安。

The crank reference pulse originates from a variable reluctant pickup which senses a projection on the engine's flywheel . 曲柄參考點脈沖信號由一個變磁阻傳感器產生,它從發動機飛輪上的突起感受信號。

She took the pillow up, holding it as if reluctant to shake out the impress of his cheek, dropped it, and turned round . 她捧起枕頭,端著,好像舍不得抖掉他那臉頰的印痕,忽然丟下,轉過身來。

Though reluctant to respond to what was felt to be a wave of harmful sensationalism, the information was given . 公司盡管很不情愿,感到這是追求危言聳聽的有害浪潮,但還是提供了有關情況。

This approach helps bypass the barriers posed by existing institutions that are reluctant to try something different . 這種方法有助于越過現有機構因不愿意試驗不同事物造成的各種障礙。

The king of greece was reluctant to accept a new government whose composition was in effect dictated by the mutineers . 希臘國王不愿接受一個事實上由叛亂分子指定人選的新政府。

On the present occasion, he was reluctant to proceed extremities, although the provocation was so great . 在目下的場合,雖說一再觸犯他,他還是不愿意采取過激的手段。