
relive vi.再生,蘇醒,復活。vt.(尤指憑想像)使再現,重新...


Reliving mentally , the events of three days earlier , andrew said , “ you will have to make allowance for my having been a little dazed at the time . 安德魯腦際閃過五天前的種種情景,說到: “那時我有點神魂顛倒,這你恐怕不能見怪。 ”

I ' ve seen reps who couldn ' t recall their best friend ' s phone number , but could relive every “ no “ of the day 我曾經看到過有的推銷員不回復他們最好朋友的電話號碼,但是卻一遍遍的回味當天的每個拒絕電話。

I wish i could put the clock back and relive my schooldays ; i regret not having tried harder and passed more exams 我希望時光能夠倒退回去,我可以重新去過學生時代的生活。我后悔當初不夠努力,沒有通過更多的考試。

Making art allows my not so perfect self to relive beautifully once more , transforming my thought physically into reality 藝術創作讓不太完美的我可以更精彩地重活一次,使我的思想立體地在現實世界中展現出來。

He may have to relive the experience thursday when he and the yankees are due to clash in an arbitration hearing 但他也許在本周四必需得再經歷一次,因為他和洋基球團談不攏的薪資問題排上了仲裁庭公聽。

Introduction : original classic game , adventure island has been fiery landing phone , hurry reliving memories of the island ! adventure 原版經典游戲冒險島已經火熱登陸手機,快來重溫記憶中的冒險島吧。

Show dedicated to reliving the memories of the 60 ' s and 70 ' s at york u . s . 30 drag strip . held annually in july 奉獻給生活的表演在30拖的約克美國的60年代和70年代的記憶脫衣。每年控制了7月。

Original classic game , adventure island has been fiery landing phone , hurry reliving memories of the island ! adventure 原版經典游戲冒險島已經火熱登陸手機,快來重溫記憶中的冒險島吧。

So absolutely had he relived life that he had fainted just as he fainted years before on the eighth street bridge 他絕對地在重溫著昏死在八號街大橋上的那個舊夢,現在他也昏死了過去。

With many brilliant performances from some famous artists , all of the participants relived that unforgettable period of history 在藝術家的精彩表演中,與會者重溫了那段難忘的歷史。

Time buttress : this shield gives the wielder a chance to avoid telling blows by reliving the last few moments of combat 時隙:該盾牌可以通過重回片刻前而使持用者避免明知的打擊。

Everyday the old lady had sent one of those letters to herself in order to relove , relive the love they had experienced 每天老太太把一封信寄給她自己為的是重新享受他們當年的愛。

When you find that your life is coming to an end and you will not be given a chance to relive , you regret 當發現生命即將結束,我們不會有機會重新生活時,才感到后悔。

Thus , we take everyday as an ordinary one and act as if we still have time to relive our life 因此,我們每天過地都很平淡,仿佛我們還有時間可以重新活一次似的。

Some of these are the eternal dilemmas that central bankers are doomed to relive time and again 其中的一些是中行的銀行家們時常不得不面對的來自外界的麻煩。

Why can ' t we replay situations we want to relive or that we missed the first time through 為什么不能“重播”那些希望重溫的或第一次漏掉的場景?

Uprooting our family again , so you can relive the glory days is a bad thing 為了你能重新體驗那些光輝歲月就害得我們搬家,這就是壞事

Relive the courage of the victors and the vanquished and the impact of each of the games 生活勝利者的勇氣并且征服并且每比賽的影響。

Relive the days of the old west as you try your skill as a sharpshootin marksman 西部樂園射擊館在西部拓荒時代,誰都想成為西部第一