
relish n.1.味,味道,滋味,風味,美味。2.嗜好,興趣 (f...


Hunger gives relish to any food 饑餓于任何食物都具有美味;饑不擇食。

Tennis loses its relish when one gets old 人老了就覺得打網球沒意思了

You know , with the mustard and the ketchup and the relish 加上芥末,番茄醬還有調料包。

She did not relish meetings at her house 她不喜歡客人在她家里相互碰面。

Some pastimes lose their relish when one grows old 一個人年長后便對許多事失去了興頭。

Do they anticipate each day with great relish 他們對每一天都充滿干勁嗎?

Routine office jobs have no relish at all for me 我對坐辦公室那種刻板的工作毫無興趣

Finish my relish tray , and get my fish going 把我的盤子清干凈,把魚放進去

He did not relish the prospect of staying after school 他不喜歡放學后留在學校一事。

Reading without comprehension is like eating with no relish 讀書不知意,等于嚼樹皮

Too many if i ' m honest , and i ' s not a task i relish 很多很多次而且我來這里

Put some relish on a slice on a slice of bread 把一些調味品放在一片面包上。

I have no relish for seeing animals being killed 我沒有興致看到動物被殺害。

She didn ' t relish the idea of going there alone 她不喜歡單獨到那兒去的構想。

I tasted the fish my mother cooked with relish 我津津有味地品嘗了我媽媽做的魚

I tasted the fish my mother cooked with relish 我津津有味地品嘗了我媽媽做的魚。

“less than superlative?“ said giles gosling, drinking off the cup, and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish . “不是頂好的?”吉爾斯戈斯林說,一面喝下一杯,帶著妙不可言的神氣把嘴唇咂一咂。

They were only too eager to build nixon up and relishing the bonus of cutting me to size after years of riding so high . 他們正熱心于樹立尼克松的威信,很想在我飛黃騰達幾年以后貶低我,以便從中得到好處。

Some one less absorbed than shelton might have noticed a kind of relish in his voice . 要碰到一個不象謝爾頓那樣心神貫注的人,就可以注意到,他的聲音里有一種怡然自得的意味。