
reliquary n.圣骨盒,遺骨盒;圣物盒;遺物盒。


As vol . 1 and vol . 2 of the video series random combing of chinese oral literature , the video work snow into the wind finished in feb 2005 at majie village , baofeng county of henan province , and the reliquary finished in aug 2005 at lianzhou city of guangdong province 作為《中國口頭文學隨機梳理》系列錄像作品的第一部和第二部, 《風攪雪》在2005年2月于河南省寶豐縣馬街村完成, 《遺忘紀》在2005年8月于廣東省連州市星子鎮,瑤安鄉及三水鄉完成。

Shakyamuni , the historical buddha , had instructed his disciples that after his passing , his body should be cremated and the remains enshrined in a reliquary monument , or stupa , as was the custom with regard to the great leaders of the past in india 釋迦牟尼佛又稱佛陀曾指示?的弟子在?圓寂之后將?肉體火化將其骨灰供奉在一個圣塔里如同古印度其他偉人離開世間般一樣。

The most exciting find , he added , was a reliquary containing three clay beads , a leaf , clay seals and parts of a buddhist text written on bark 他又說,最令人振奮的發現是圣骨盒有三粒陶珠,一片葉子,陶土印章及寫在樹皮上的佛經片段。

A drop of molten silver from the reliquary produced a symmetrically placed mark through the layers of the folded cloth 一滴熔化的鍍銀從圣物箱滴了下來,透過各層折疊的布而產生出一個對稱性的標記。

Reliquary . straight from the vatican 圣骨匣,直接從羅馬教廷得來的