
relinquish vt.1.作罷,廢除,撤回;放松(計劃、政策、信仰、希望...


This helps the service class instance relinquish the resources it is using 方法。這有助于服務類實例放棄它正在使用的資源。

So , wrigley , i ' m gonna be relinquishing my partnership in massey , myerson 那么賴利我就要放棄我在馬賽馬爾紳的合作關系

Notifies a column that it must relinquish the focus to the control it is hosting 通知列必須放棄它承載的控件的焦點。

Must i relinquish that 難道連這也得放棄?

To lessen the pain , some people chose to relinquish all responsibility 為了減少痛苦,有些人選擇放棄所有責任。

Another question is are you ready to relinquish your self destructive nature 你準備好放棄你的自毀本質嗎?

They refused to relinquish hope 他們拒絕放棄希望。

The moment he relinquishes his grip on the blade , it dissipates 如果魂刃者松開握劍的手,劍就會自動消解。

“ magua suddenly relinquished his grasp 瑪瓜突然松開了

If you need to relinquish the ownership of the object , the 如果您需要放棄那個對象的所有權,那么應該調用

Article 52 the plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims 第五十二條原告可以放棄或者變更訴訟請求。

Relinquish your stress and tension 解除您的緊張與壓力。

The majority of the conference can ' t bear to relinquish the idea 與會的大多數人不能忍受放棄這個主意。

You might relinquish that scheme 你可以放棄那個打算。 ”

Oh no , she has graciously relinquished her title to you 哦,不,她已經很有風度地把這個頭銜讓給你了

Waive to give up a claim or right voluntarily ; relinquish 放棄,常為自愿地放棄一個主張或權力撤回

Relinquish the royal crown to me at once 馬上把皇冠交還給我

Notification to relinquish existing civil service housing benefits 放棄現有公務員房屋福利通知書

He relinquished all control over the company to her daughter 他將掌管公司的全權讓給了女兒。