
reline vt.1.換(衣服的)里子,換襯里。2.重新劃線。3.【...


In fact , the emergence of management theories that maintain customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was due to the intensive competition market environment and the basic element of the corporations “ exist , in which the “ the basic element “ refers to the customer satisfaction . this paper starts from the customer perspective stressed by michael porter and robert woodruff introduces the customer value concept , generalizes and relines the customer value characteristics , and demonstrates that customer value is the most important source of competitive advantage 本文從邁克爾?波特和woodruff等人所強調的顧客視角出發,在引入顧客價值概念和對其本質特征進行概括和提煉的基礎上,論證了顧客價值是競爭優勢最重要的源泉,并以此為理論基礎,在借鑒已有的研究成果的基礎上提出了一些基于顧客價值理論提高飯店競爭力的策略。

The article deals with the main improvements in relining design of no . 1 bf at baosteel . these measurements include : bf lining , cooling structure , cooling water system , monitoring of bf lining and auxiliary equipment for increasing campaign from 8 years up to 12 years , even 15 years 介紹了寶鋼1號高爐改造性大修設計的主要內容,著重論述了高爐一代爐役設計壽命由8年提高到12年并爭取達到15年時在爐體各部位結構設計中,如爐體耐材砌筑、冷卻結構、冷卻水系統、爐體檢測及爐體輔助設備等方面采取的一些改進措施。

The activities of totalfinaeif are divded into four business divisions ; upstream , ( exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas ) ; trading and midstream gas and electrcity ; downstream ( relining distrbution of oil products and imternaeional trade in crude oil and petroleum products ) and chemicals 道達爾菲納埃爾夫公司的業務可分為四個業務領域:上游(原油和天然氣的勘探生產) ;貿易、天然氣與電力;下游(煉油、成品油銷售、原油和各類成品油的國際貿易)和化工。

His services include cleaning , repair , relining , frame restoration , and more for pictures of all sizes and mediums 他所提供的服務包含對各種尺寸不一的圖做清潔,修復,重新劃線,相框整理等等, 。

Problems in hepatitis outpatient service in bao shan area and the relined reform 寶山區肝炎門診存在的問題及改革設想

L thought it needed relining 我以為要重新貼瓷磚

Denture base temporary relining resins 義齒基托臨時更換樹脂

Denture base hard relining materials 義齒基托硬質重墊底材料

I thought it needed relining 我覺得要重新裝修一下游泳池的內壁