
religious adj.1.宗教(上)的。2.篤信的,虔誠的。3.修道(...


For matsushita, the roots of his approach are specifically religious . 對于松下來說,他的思想方法的根基肯定是宗教式的。

During his four months in egypt he flirted with religious emotions . 在埃及逗留的這四個月期間,他又玩弄起宗教情緒來了。

In addition, there were certain religious bonds of a unifying kind . 此外,他們還有某種具有一種統一性質的宗教上的結合。

He took to the religious life and at first set no limit to his austerities . 他投身于宗教生活,一開始就竭力刻苦修行。

This neglect of religious observances was repugnant to her early traditions . 忽視宗教儀式是違反她童年時期的教養的。

It's not my religious beliefs that had fired the jealousy of the judges . 其實惹起法官們妒忌的并非是我的宗教信仰。

He revealed many of the secrets of religious houses on the continent . 他透露了歐洲大陸上某些宗教團體的許多秘密。

Mahatma gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in indian history . 甘地在印度歷史上是政治和宗教要人。

She was cut off from ordinary life by her religious intensity . 出于強烈的宗教觀念,她與日常普通的生活格格不入。

But courage and religious faith alone are not enough to win battles . 但是單憑勇氣和宗教信仰要打勝仗還是不夠的。

There was nothing especially arduous in this round of religious obligations . 履行這一類宗教義務并無艱辛之處。

The negev became a religious center with many monasteries and churches . 內格夫成為許多廟宇和教堂的宗教中心。

This definition includes early religious and governmental archives . 這個定義包括了早期教會的和政府的檔案會。

Belief in a life after death is the keystone of her religious faith . 她的宗教信仰的基礎是相信死后有來生。

The religious life in the united states shows a diversity of practice . 美國的宗教生活有多種多樣的方式。

The service should have been ended on this high religious plane . 儀式該在這么莊嚴的宗教氣氛中結束了。

They're just working some religious dodge or other, i guess . 我看,這些人無非又在搞什么宗教的把戲吧。

In the procession were all the dignitaries, civil and religious . 世俗顯貴和宗教名流全都參加了游行。

In ancient rome they combined religious duty with pleasure . 在古羅馬,他們卻把信教和娛樂混而為一。