
religiosity n.1.信仰宗教的特性〔尤指篤信宗教,宗教狂〕。2.虛偽...


Indeed , his apocalyptic threats have started to erode the previous conviction of most israeli analysts that , for all its proclaimed religiosity , iran is still a rational actor 確實,因為伊朗總統狂熱的叫囂,使越來越多的以色列分析家開始置疑他們先前持有的觀念:撇開伊朗的宗教狂熱,其依然一個理性行為者。

Pseudo - religiosity , pretentious pride , conceit , arrogance , anger , harshness and ignorance arise in one born of the demoniac nature , o arjuna 虛假的虔誠,自命不凡的傲慢,狂妄自負,憤怒,苛刻及愚昧這些不良品性,會從天生俱有魔性品質的人身上體現出來,阿諸那啊。

It is tempting to blame such affair - induced angst on the country ' s religiosity , but that ' s not a good marker of which americans commit adultery 把婚外情導致的焦慮歸咎于美國對宗教的虔誠,這么做很有誘惑力,但不能憑此判斷哪些美國人會發生風流韻事。

Thus secular europeans have voiced dismay at american religiosity and worry that faith - based reasoning is spreading in europe , too 因此,世俗主義的歐洲人已對美國呼吁宗教虔誠的聲音感到恐慌,并且擔心這種基于信仰的論調也在歐洲蔓延開來。

While a decline in religiosity has contributed to the shift , musgrove said it ' s mainly a reflection of a cultural phenomenon 盡管,對宗教的虔誠大不如前是導致這種變化的主要原因,馬斯格羅夫認為這主要體現了一種文化現象。

The influencing factors of death fear including gender , age and religiosity were analyzed 往生前死亡恐懼指數的降低與宗教師接觸時間長短有關。

The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism 古代宗教狂熱的本質,就是代罪羔羊的機制。

From egocentrism to religiosity a new trend in contemporary australian fiction 多元文化背景下的新探索

You got a problem with my religiosity , oz 你對我的虔誠表示懷疑,奧茲?