
religionist n.1.宗教家;熱心宗教的人,宗教狂;篤信宗教的人。2....


Angel might have accompanied them , but preferred to rejoin his sweetheart at talbothays . he would have been an awkward member of the party ; for , though the most appreciative humanist , the most ideal religionist , even the best - versed christologist of the three , there was alienation in the standing consciousness that his squareness would not fit the round hole that had been prepared for him 要是他們三個人一塊兒去旅行,他一定會覺得很別扭,因為在三個人中間,雖然他是最有欣賞力的人文主義者,最有理想的宗教家,甚至是三個人中對基督最有研究的學者,但是他總覺得同他們的標準思想已經有了疏遠,同他們為他準備的方圓格格不入。

This unique individual was no less than an ex - soldier turned religionist , who , having suffered the whips and privations of our peculiar social system , had concluded that his duty to the god which he conceived lay in aiding his fellow - man 這個怪人不過就是一個退伍軍人變成的宗教狂而已。他遭受過我們這個特殊的社會制度給他的種種鞭撻和剝削,因而他斷定自己心目中對上帝的責任就在于幫助他的同胞。

Dimmesdale was a true priest , a true religionist , with the reverential sentiment largely developed , and an order of mind that impelled itself powerfully along the track of a creed , and wore its passage 丁梅斯代爾先生是一個地道的牧師,一個真正的篤信宗教的人,他有高度發展的虔誠的感情和有力地推動著自身沿著信仰的道路前進的心境,而且會隨著時間的流逝面日漸深入。

Coming from the joint of grass - rooted culture and elites , religionists , cultural elites and political party , this force , to a great extent , has promoted the agenda of educational reform since 1980s 這種來自草根與精英階層結合、宗教人士與文化精英乃至政黨結合所形成的合力,在很大程度上促成了美國20世紀80年代以來的教育改革議程。

Many sunni fighters apparently detest such tactics , since they provoke the wrath of the shia militias on their communities and on their co - religionists in mixed areas 許多遜尼戰士顯然反對這種策略,因為會激起在他們部落或者什葉派遜尼派混居區什葉民兵的仇恨。

He has been at pains not to look like an american poodle , vigorously condemning abuses by american troops and sympathising with his co - religionists in lebanon 他努力使自己看起來不像是美國的巴兒狗? ?既強烈譴責美軍虐囚行為,又對黎巴嫩的同宗教分子表示同情。

By contrast , mr warren and his wife , kay , revel in making their co - religionists uncomfortable 但是,華理克和他的夫人凱,卻樂此不疲的讓同道中人難堪。

Discrimination of mo zi ' s non - religionist 論墨子非宗教家

In the kali age , there will be many false religionists 在卡利年代,會有很多錯誤和虛假的宗教。

Both the atheist and the religionist seem to be right 無神論者和宗教人士似乎都是對的。