
religion n.1.宗教;宗派。2.信仰。3.宗教[修道]生活。4....


A great deal of japanese culture and religion had been adapted from the older civilization . 大量日本文化和宗教都是從那個古老文明借鑒來的。

Race, national, origin, region, city, and religion are all coming together in new ways . 種族裔源、地區、城市、宗教,全以新的方式一起出現。

You think maybe he got religion at the last minute and wanted to spill his gut ? 大概是他臨死前作了懺悔想把知道的秘密和盤托出,你說對嗎?

A fanatic often has unreasonable and mistaken beliefs, especially in religion . 一個狂熱者常常有不合理和錯誤的信仰,尤其是在宗教方面。

Of all the dispositions and habits, religion and morality are indispensable supports . 所有的意向和習慣中,宗教和道德是不可缺的支柱。

We are seeing a great upsurge of religion in the great cities of the u.s . 目前在美國的一些大城市里,我們可以看到一種宗教的高漲。

The author of our religion everywhere professes himself the wretch's friend . 我們宗教之主到處都說過,他是世上可憐人的真朋友。

Don't forget that easter is really a religions holiday, like christmas . 不要忘記復活節是個真正的宗教的節日,和圣誕節一樣。

Confucianism is the main religion of the chinese, named after kung the master . 孔子學說是中國人以孔夫子命名的主要宗教。

How to deal with the majority in religion was a standing problem . 如何對待宗教界的多數派,這是一個長期存在的老問題。

The company view of religion and patriotism is built into programs . 公司對宗教和愛國精神的見解,被融入到節目里。

It is not possible to dissociate art from morality, politics and religion . 不可能把藝術和道德、政治和宗教分離。

Asa and elvira run a shabby religions mission in kansas city . 阿薩和埃爾維拉在堪薩斯城辦了一個寒酸的傳教機構。

Worst of all, their hope was gone; their religion was gone . 最糟糕的是,他們的希望幻滅了,他們的宗教崩潰了。

Both have their due office and place in the maintenance of religion . 二者在護持宗教上都有相當的責任和地位。

Religion had an intimate association with alchemy during the middle ages . 在中世紀,宗教和煉金術密切相聯。

The founders of our religion made this a cornerstone of morality . 我們宗教的創始人把這看作是道德的基石。

His worship and religion will endure neither mixture, nor partner . 他的崇奉和宗教便決不容有混雜和伴侶。

The priests of some religions must forswear wealth and marriage . 有些宗教的祭司必須宣誓放棄財富和婚姻。