
reliever n.解除苦痛的人;救助者,救濟者;救濟物;慰藉物;緩和裝...


From our country economic situation and regional development , there are abundant mineral resources , which must become reliever of mineral raw and processed materials in the 21th century from economic situation and region development a feasible evaluation index system must be worked out in order to scientifically evaluate the sustainable development of mineral resources exploitation system in west china 從我國的實際情況看,西部蘊藏著豐富的礦產資源,必將成為我國21世紀能源和礦產原材料資源的接替地。鑒于此,以礦區為基礎作為研究礦產資源可持續開發戰略的落腳點和切入口,對推動我國礦產資源可持續開發具有重要的戰略意義。因此,為了全面評價西部礦產資源開發系統的可持續開發狀況,建立一套合理的評價指標體系就十分必要。

Some of you might not know that dream is considered a healing method , one of the ways to heal our mind , body and soul . as i said about my cry in my dreams , it is kind of like a stress - reliever and it helps me feel less stress in my life . i remember i dreamt about myself crying several times at countless nights , especially , after my father passed away . there is a deep sorrow in my mind that i couldn ' t get over it . i cried a lot during the daytime and troubled to have a sound sleep at night . when i heard the siren of an ambulance passing by , i cried , too . i knew it had something to do with my father ' s death because he had come to my dreams several times . and then , one night when i was finally too exhausted and felt into asleep , i started dreaming . i dreamed about myself crying again , then i felt my body shaking because of the cry ; and suddenly , the water coming out from my eyes became a huge tidal wave pouring all over my entire body . the feeling of drowning woke me up and my body was still shaking 有些人可能不知道:夢被視為是一種治療方法,一種“身,心,靈”療法之一.正如我先前提到的“夢中哭泣” ,它就如“沮喪紓緩劑”一樣,幫助我紓緩人生的壓力.我記得在無數的夜晚夢到自己哭泣,特別是在我父親過世之后.一種很深的痛楚在我心中,久久不能揮去.我時常在白天哭泣,而晚上睡不著.當我聽到救護車的鳴聲呼嘯而過時,我也會哭泣.我知道這與我父親的死有關,因為他常到我的夢中.然后,有一天晚上,我真的很累而終于入睡,我開始作夢,又夢到自己正在哭,身體也因為哭泣而搖動起來.突然,我的淚水像海嘯般的朝我全身傾倒過來;那種要溺斃的感覺把我弄醒了,而我的全身仍在晃動

“ when i start , the time i get to warm up makes my slider and changeup work better , “ said kuo , who has a 2 . 59 era in four starts , after struggling as a reliever with a 5 . 34 era that got him demoted to the minor leagues twice 郭泓志說“當我先發時,我得到的熱身時間可以讓我的滑球和變速球投的更好“ ,他在這4次先發出賽中只有2 . 59的自責分率,而在他當后援投手時投的相當爭扎,投出5 . 34的高自責分,還為此兩次被降到小聯盟

Pitching in : general manager brian cashman said that the starting rotation would be his primary focus this winter , with a left - handed reliever , backup catcher , utility infielder and possibly a right - handed - hitting first baseman also on the list of needs 總經理現金男說先發投手輪值補強是今年冬天他最主要的工作,左投中繼投手、后備捕手、多功能內野手和右打的一壘手也都被列在需要補強的名單中。

“ when i start , the time i get to warm up makes my slider and changeup work better , “ said kuo , who has a 2 . 59 era in four starts , after struggling as a reliever with a 5 . 34 era that got him demoted to the minor leagues twice 小小郭說. “當我先發時,我擁有更多暖身時間這讓我的滑球和變速球更強. “在這4場先發中小小郭的自責分為2 . 59 .之前在擔任救援投手時自責分為5 . 34 ,這也讓小小郭被降到小聯盟2次

( 2 ) in the original system because of the area between the piston and the piston pole is too small , the system pressure will rise when in the return stroke . and the reliever valve will open . the return velocity will reduce ( 2 )原設計中,由于活塞和活塞桿的面積差很小,回程上行時,系統壓力會迅速升高造成溢流閥的溢流而使回程速度降低,從而降低了系統的工作效率。

With those pitchers previously named considered locks to be on the yankees ' opening day roster , barring injury , the club will have the flexibility to choose two additional relievers to round out the bullpen corps 這些選手除了受傷之外,已經確定會名列洋基隊開幕戰正式名單,球隊另外為了增加調度的彈性還會再增加兩名中繼投手。

The initial treatment for a tendinopathy usually entails warming up the muscle / tendon before exercise , resting it , applying ice and wrapping it shortly afterward , and taking pain relievers 早期的對于腱子病變衰退的治療一般要在聯系前活動開肌肉/腱子,放松它們,隨后用冰塊短時間包裹在肌肉/腱子周圍,而后再服用止痛藥。

Kuo agrees with all of that , and added that as a starting pitcher , he has sufficient time to loosen up that bionic arm , compared with the sometimes hurried warmups required from a reliever 郭完全同意這個說法,而且補充說,做為一個先發,他有充分時間來放松像機器的手臂,而不會像救援有時要趕著熱身。

While cautioning that some relievers may be trying to manufacture - - creating arm velocity that may not exist because of fatigue - - torre said that the issue of pressing may be present 當注意到有一些中繼投手也許嘗試有所貢獻,由于疲倦創未能投出球速,老爹說:這些壓迫也許會展現出來。

The game featured the home debut of the heralded reliever joba chamberlain , 21 , who struck out two of three hitters and reached 99 miles an hour with his fastball 本役的一個關注焦點就是第一次在洋基隊初登板中繼的張伯倫( 21歲) ,他有高達99英里的快速球,他面對三名打者送出2次三振。

The readjustment involves 1 , 200 types of western medicine , most of which are fever - relievers , pain - killers , antidotes and drugs for use in the digestive and respiratory systems 這次調整涉及1200多個規格的西藥,其中大多數是解熱鎮痛藥,解毒藥,以及消化系統和呼吸系統藥物。

It is interesting to note , however , the increasing importance of chin - hui tsao in the way dodgers manager grady little is slotting his relievers in winnable games 然而,有一個重要的現象是,曹錦輝在球隊的重要性漸增,成為總教練利托在有機會贏球的比賽中會派上場的中繼投手

Pettitte never quite got there , facing two batters in the fifth before yielding to reliever scott proctor , who allowed both inherited runners to score 派特提跌跌撞撞的到了第五局,面對了第五局兩位打者后,將投手丘讓給了后援投手天天p ,壘上那兩位跑者最后還是得分了。

The right - hander , who started tuesday night for the first time since sept . 13 , is a good candidate to be the team ' s long reliever in the postseason 這名右投手將在星期二晚上先發,這是自從9月13日之后首次出賽,他也是球隊季后賽牛棚中長中繼一個好的人選。

Then the moment slipped by , as reliever scott proctor walked in two runs , and the angels went on to a 4 - 3 win at yankee stadium on sunday afternoon 當中繼投手天天p保送兩分,然后這樣的時刻溜走了,且星期天下午天使隊在洋基主場以四比三贏得比賽。

Based upon comments made by general manager brian cashman and manager joe torre dating back to last season , the yankees plan to enter 2007 with seven relievers 在總經理現金男和總教練托瑞對于上個球季的評論中,洋基計畫2007年使用七名中繼投手。

Plus , gardner says , “ exercising in the water is a great stress - reliever . the water massages the body and relaxes you as you exercise . 不但如此,卡德納說:在水中運動是一種很棒的解壓方式。在你運動的同時,水會按摩你的身體并幫助你放松。

Seattle - - yankees reliever scott proctor dropped his appeal of a four - game suspension on saturday , opting instead to begin serving his sentence immediately 洋基中繼投手普洛克特于周六放棄對禁賽四場之處分進行上訴,并選擇即日起服從球刑。