
relieve vt.1.(從危險、痛苦等中)救出,使脫離,解脫。2.救...


It seemed to relieve him of any unjust implication of sentiment . 這好象替他開脫了感情中任何不正當的成分。

Hilda threw her arms into the air to relieve her feeling . 希爾達把雙臂在空中一揮,發泄一下她的情緒。

We must n't forget the bitter past when we are relieved of our suffering . 咱們不能好了瘡疤忘了痛。

Mr. swiveller was relieved to find him in such good humour . 斯威夫勒先生看到他的笑容,也就安心了。

The 6th australian division was also relieved by the 9th . 第六澳大利亞師也已由第九澳大利亞師替換。

The company decided to relieve mr. brett of his post as manager 公司決定解除布雷特先生的經理職務。

When you study hard , you 'll need sth. to relieve . 當你進行艱苦的學習時,需要其他活動調劑一下。

Your coming relieves me of the bother of writing a long letter . 你來了省得我去麻煩寫一封長信了。

To relieve bill, we worded a letter to mr. dorset . 為了使比爾放心,我們給道塞特先生寫了一封信。

She had read pen's letter, and it had relieved her somehow . 她讀過潘的信以后,心里輕松一些了。

With the capture of the escaped tiger , everyone felt relieved . 老虎抓到了,大家都松了一口氣。

To relieve bill, we worded a letter to mr. dorset . 為了使比爾放心,我們給道塞特先生寫一封信。

He was relieved of his post . 他被撤職了。

The general was relieved of his office as a supreme commander . 將軍被解除了最高指揮官的職務。

“is that all?“ said eli, profoundly relieved . “就是這么些?”伊萊說道,深感卸掉一個大包袱。

He was relieved of his post . 他被免職了。

Not a single tree relieved the flatness of the plain . 平原上單調得毫無變化,連一棵樹都沒有。

Pug saw no reason not to relieve hickman straight off . 帕格發現沒有理由不去馬上接替希克曼。

He was fully relieved . 他心中的石頭落地了。