
relief n.1.(難民、貧民等的)救助,救濟,救護;救濟品。2....

relief map

The war could not be terminated, efficient relief could not be raised . 戰爭停止不下來,有效的救濟搞不起來。

The present relief of more than 1000 ft was due to excavation . 現在的地形起伏超過1000是削蝕的作用造成的。

An airlift was organized immediately for the relief of the flood victims . 立即組織空運救助遭受水災的難民。

Relief goods were quickly handed out to the people in the stricken area . 救災物資很快發放到災區人民手里。

The present relief of more than 1000 ft was due to excavation . 現在的地形起伏超過1000是削蝕作用造成的。

The relief was so great that she could not believe it true . 輕松的感覺如此明顯,以致她無法相信這是真的。

Oklahoma had recently provided tax relief for general motors . 俄克拉何馬州最近給通用汽車公司減免稅收。

The heir on taking up his ancestors fief had to pay a relief . 繼承其前輩封地的人須交納一筆“接替費”。

This vital relief was not achieved for another two years . 這方面的重大緩和只是在又過了兩年以后才實現。

Leaving the office that afternoon, i felt a great sense of relief . 那于下午離開辦公室時,我如釋重負。

Doubtless there was a certain struggle and a certain relief . 毫無疑問,有過一番思想斗爭,也如釋重負。

I was carried away by the relief joy that spread across the country . 我沉醉于全國寬懷和歡樂的氣氛中。

The first look that possessed her face was relief . 在她臉上出現的第一個表情是一種松了一口氣的神情。

He did not know me, and that was all the present relief i had . 他不認得我,這是我當時唯一的安慰。

Ore is normally associated with areas of high relief . 在正常情況下,礦石與地勢高的地方有聯系。

He had a sense of relief . 他松了一口氣。

They have offered food and clothes for the relief of the poor . 他們捐助食物和衣服救濟貧民。

His deeds stand out in relief . 他功績顯赫。

The momentary relief was followed by worse suffering . 短暫的緩解之后接著是更為劇烈的痛苦。