
relict n.1.〔古語〕寡婦。2.【古生物學】殘遺體;殘遺種;【...


We didn t cook none of the pies in the wash - pan - afraid the solder would melt ; but uncle silas he had a noble brass warming - pan which he thought considerable of , because it belonged to one of his ancesters with a long wooden handle that come over from england with william the conqueror in the mayflower or one of them early ships and was hid away up garret with a lot of other old pots and things that was valuable , not on account of being any account , because they warn t , but on account of them being relicts , you know , and we snaked her out , private , and took her down there , but she failed on the first pies , because we didn t know how , but she come up smiling on the last one 我們并沒有在洗衣盆里烘餅,深怕盆的焊錫見火會化。西拉斯姨父有一把珍貴的銅暖爐,是他珍愛之物,因為這有木頭長把子的爐,是他的一個祖先隨著征服者威廉坐“五月花”之類早先的船只從英格蘭帶來的,他一直把它和其它珍貴的古物藏在頂樓上。珍藏的原因倒不是因為有什么價值,它們并無什么價值,但卻是因為這些是古董。

However , in the area with strong magma mingling , there are widespread abnormal fabrics , distinguished differences in the idiomophic - textures and the peritectic reaction , poililitic texture , metasomatism among the minerals , metasomatic border , embayment , rimmed structure , abnormal plagioclase zoning , relict fabric as well as the acicular apatite are very common 巖石的異常結構構造十分發育,礦物之間自形程度差異顯著,常見包晶反應、包含結構、交代邊、熔蝕邊、交代蠶食的港灣狀結構構造及交代縫合線、礦物鑲邊、斜長石異常環帶和礦物殘留等,多見指示巖漿混合的標志性礦物針狀磷灰石。

The immediate host siliceous rocks of typical deposits ( jinya , gaolong ) are of hydrothermal sedimentary origin . gold ore bodies are layer - like and generally concordant with their host rocks . abundant relict synsedimentary fabrics are preserved in the ores 典型礦床(金牙、高龍)中的含礦硅質巖屬熱水沉積巖,礦體形態主要為與地層整合的層狀和似層狀,礦石具有大量同生沉積的標型組構。

2 . it is the first time to divide the structure of qianmiqiao buried hills into three structural layers : buried hills thrust fault block , paleogeomorphic relict mountain and lowland , tilting horst block 2首次將千米橋潛山構造劃分為三層結構:即潛山內幕逆沖斷塊、古地貌殘山與低地和翹傾地壘塊。

In east china sea shelf basin , the mesozoic relict sediments are distributed in some central - south areas , such as fuzhou sag , minjiang sag and yushan lower uplift 摘要東海陸架盆地中生界主要分布于盆地中南部的福州凹陷、閩江凹陷和漁山低隆起地區。

The last dicynodont : an australian cretaceous relict 白堊紀的最后的二齒獸[論文摘要] ! !

A relict fauna and anomalously coarse grains are common in the upper few feet of some shelf sands . 殘余化石和異常粗的顆粒,通常出現于某些陸棚砂上部的幾英尺內。