
relic n.1.〔常 pl.〕遺物;遺跡;遺風。2.(殉教者的)...


On the origin of ivory unearthed from jinsha relic 金沙遺址出土象牙的由來

Unearthed cultural relics was exhibited here last month 上個月在這里展出了出土文物。

Application of georadar in rocky historical relic 地質雷達在石質文物保護工程中的應用

Here rare and precious cultural relics are kept 這里保存著珍貴的文化遺跡。

Relics unearthed from songjiapai han tomb in wen an county 文安縣宋家牌漢墓出土遺物

The sites and relics of cangjie , saint of chinese characters 字圣倉頡遺跡考

Non - aqueous dispersion ; conservation of cultural relics 非水分散體文物保護

Urban construction and the protection of cultural relics 城市建設與文物保護

Relics found at the works site in mongkok , kowloon 九旺角渠務地盤發現的文物

The museum has many immemorial cultural relics 該博物館收藏了很多極其古老的文物。

The relic , when exposed to air , turned to dust 這件文物,接觸空氣之后,變成了粉末。

On city modernization and the fate of cultural relics 論城市現代化與文化古跡的命運

Study of the relic divine stone stele of wanyan hanlu 完顏翰魯神道碑殘石考略

Exhibition of southern song guan kiln relic in tiger cave 老虎洞南宋窯址展示

The relics are credited with miraculous powers 這些早期遺物被認為具有神奇的力量

Chinese epigraphy : inscribed relics of pre - yuan era 2001 《中國古代銘刻文物》

Miraculous powers are credited to the relics 人們認為這些早期遺物具有神奇的力量

I have strong interest in visiting historical relics 我對參觀歷史古跡有濃厚興趣

This ruined bridge is a relic of the civil war 這座毀壞的橋是南北戰爭時的遺跡。