
reliant adj.信賴的,信任的,依靠的 (on; upon); ...


With knowledge and gear . become self reliant by learning about the terrain , conditions , local weather and your equipment before you start 具有相關知識及裝備。在出行前,要通過對地形、條件、當地天氣及你的裝備的了解,使自己有信心。

This self - reliant model of economic development and the economic miracle that followed have both drawn widespread international acclaim and attention 此種自力更生型的經濟發展模式,及其所締造的經濟奇跡,已深受國際的重視與稱許。

Many of our oriental children are a little bit weak and too reliant on the parents , on the elder , on the wife , or whoever can do it 我們東方的小孩有很多都有一點軟弱,都太依賴父母長輩或太太或其他任何能為他做事的人。太依賴了!

Q : if private teams are reliant on manufacturer teams for engines , is there a risk of them receiving second best in terms of quality 問:如果私人車隊依靠制造商車隊來獲得引擎,就質量方面來說,他們是否存在有接受第二好的風險?

Entrepreneurial activity is becoming increasingly reliant on export markets for growth , according to a ranking of business creation in 42 countries 一項針對42個國家創業情況的排名顯示,創業活動的增長正越來越依賴于出口市場。

It is time that humanities and social science set up the “ scientific nature “ for itself and break away the reliant relationship from natural science 這為人文社會學科研究擺脫對自然科學的依附,建立自己的科學性提供了契機。

“ for many years we have been overly reliant on a limited number of widely fluctuating , cyclical sources of revenue , “ mr tang said 多年以來,我們一直都過分依賴少數的收入來源,而這些收入來源往往會隨經濟周期而大幅波動。

But people with schizophrenia do not respond this way , which implies that their brain circuits reliant on nmda receptors are out of kilter 不過精神分裂癥患者的反應就不同,顯示他們腦中依賴nmda受體的線路處于不正常狀態。

It does not even need utf - 8 - based locales because its maintainer wanted to avoid the problem of a utf - 8 - reliant unicode editor 它甚至不需要基于utf - 8的locale ,因為它的維護者希望避免依賴utf - 8的unicode編輯器這個問題。

The hope is that the laker front court gains in strength as the playoffs near , making the team less reliant on bryant as monster scorer 希望隨著季后賽臨近,湖人的前場能增強些實力,使球隊不要那么依賴科比的瘋狂得分。

The report laments that , in many cases , candidates seemed “ unduly reliant on short sentences , simple tenses and a limited vocabulary . 報告指出,在很多情況下,考生“過度使用短句和簡單的時態,所用的詞匯也很有限。 ”

It aims to provide the necessary support and assistance to help these families to become self - reliant and self - sufficient 這項計劃的目的是為這些家庭提供所需要的援助與支持,以協助他們尋找適當的工作而能夠自食其力。

The report laments that , in many cases , candidates seemed “ unduly reliant on short sentences , simple tenses and a limited vocabulary . 報告指出,在很多情況下,考生“過度使用短句和簡單的時態,所用的詞匯也很有限。 ”

To help the single - parent , low - income and dysfunctional families to become self - sufficient and self - reliant through adequate employment ; and 協助單親低收入和非健全的家庭通過進行適當的工作而能夠自食其力自力更生

The intelligent control that is based on knowledge and not reliant to the precise maths model gives new ideas for solving these problems 基于知識和不依賴于精確數學模型的智能控制給這類問題的解決帶來新的思路。

Sixteen percent of british drivers have become so heavily reliant on satellite navigation systems that they have given up keeping a map in their car 的英國司機嚴重依賴全球定位系統,所以他們的車里都沒備地圖。

The report laments that , in many cases , candidates seemed “ reliant on short sentences , simple tenses and a limited vocabulary . 報告指出,在很多情況下,考生“過度使用短句和簡單的時態,所用的詞匯也很有限。 ”

Offers a range of home repair and home maintenance hand and power tools , with articles aimed to help women become more self - reliant 提供家修理和家維護手和電動工具的一個范圍,與試圖幫助女人變得更自恃的文章。

People should be assisted to become more self - reliant and the community should play its part in building a caring and supportive neighbourhood 政府應協助市民自力更生,而社區亦有責任建立一個互助互愛的鄰里;