
reliable adj.可靠的,確實的。 It is reported ...


She may be slow but at least she ' s reliable 她遲鈍是遲鈍,但無論如何她很可靠

The only reliable way to obtain this value for use in 中使用的唯一可靠方式是使用

He calls himself the “ reliable conservative “ 他自稱為“可信賴的保守主義者” 。

The transistor is small in size and highly reliable 半導體何種小而且極為可靠。

The transistor is small in size and highly reliable 半導體體積小而且極為可靠。

A reliable machine shop can cut away a small amout of metal from the aft side of the mounting flange so that the lens will set closer to the film platen . 可以請經驗豐富的機械加工車間從安裝凸緣的后部切削掉少量的金屬,這樣就能使透鏡更加靠近膠片平面。

As late as 1931, according to a more reliable survey 25, 000 workers were killed on their jobs, and another 700, 000 were seriously injured . 根據一場更可靠的調查,晚至1931年,有二萬五千工人在工作時死亡,另有七十萬工人嚴重受傷。

“you'll never persuade me,“ he said, “that master malandain, who is a reliable man, mistook a piece of string for a wallet. “ “你無論如何也說服不了我,”他說,“馬隆丹老板這么一個可靠的人,會錯把一根繩子看成一個皮夾子”。

It is an axiom that the analytical results obtained in the laboratory can never be more reliable than the sample upon which the tests are performed . 實驗室得到的分析結果,永遠不可能比標樣的結果更加可靠,這是一條規律。

A series of readings should be taken on each sample to obtain reliable results until the operator becomes highly proficient in its use . 為了得到可靠的結果,每個樣品取一系列讀數,直至操作者對它的使用高度熟練為止。

This is unfortunate since it would be helpful to have reliable data for the fine particle systems commonly used in fluidized beds . 這是很遺憾的,因為如能取得流化床常用的微細顆粒系統的可靠數據,則將大有幫助。

Furthermore, the coverage of many of these surveys is too limited to provide reliable nationwide estimates of income distribution . 而且,許多這類調查工作的對象范圍太窄,不能提供全面范圍收入分配的可靠數字。

Procedures different from those used in adults are necessary for the reliable measurement of blood pressure in children and adolescents . 小兒和青少年測量血壓的可靠方法和步驟應與成人不同。

When measuring a shallow diffused layer at low concentrations, reliable measurement free of noise are difficult to make . 測量低濃度淺擴散層時,無干擾的可靠測量很難實行。

To cover the large area which this work comprises i have tried to select the most reliable sources . 為著使本書能包羅所涉及的這個大范圍,我曾經試著選擇最可靠的原始資料。

By 1853 creosote had established itself as a most reliable and persistent wood preservative . 1853年以前,防腐油已作為最可靠并能持久的木材防腐劑,而確立了它自己的地位。

This is due to a paucity of reliable evidence on the comparative advantages of the various species combination . 原因是缺乏對各種混合種類相對利益的可靠證明。

One of the most compelling needs for readers in the 1980s was reliable information about shopping . 本世紀80年代讀者最迫切需要之一,是得到購物的可靠信息。

For statesman, values lived are more reliable than postulates articulated . 對于一個政治家來說,身體力行的準則比口頭上的主張更加受到人們的信賴。