
relevant adj.1.有關的;適當的,貼切的,中肯的 (to)。2...


Each relevant tasks , not victimizes an oh good 每關任務不同,不要錯殺好人哦。

Is the relevant income chargeable to tax in hong kong 該入息在香港是否無需繳稅

Asian puppet series : exhibition and relevant events 亞洲木偶系列:展覽及相關活動

Includes links to many relevant pages and sites ;包括到許多相關頁面和站點的鏈接

Or other relevant codes , guidelines or regulations 或其他有關守則指引或規例。

Photocopy of the relevant document should be submitted 報名時須附交之證件影印本

But there is no explanation about relevant causes 但有關的原因一點兒也沒有寫。

Relevant analyses of tax elasticity and tax growth 稅制彈性與稅收增長的相關分析

Code for securities transactions by relevant employees 有關雇員進行證券交易守則

The relevant laws of hong kong are more specific 香港的相關法律相對比較具體。

This topic is relevant for all types of databases 本主題適用于所有數據庫類型。

Ms word 31kb including the relevant schedule of service 48kb包括有關服務詳情表

Here i would like to make three relevant points 這里,我想談談三個相關的問題。

To all the relevant relief organizations and embassies , 向所有的援助組織和機構,

On relevant problems of business logistics outsourcing 企業物流外包相關問題研究

How is your experience relevant to this job 問:你的經驗如何與這份工作有關呢?

Every privilege he formerly took as of right he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare . 過去紳士依法享有的每一特權,現在只有提出證據這種特權與社會福利直接有關,他才能得到。

The necessary method of study is to group the relevant materials and to take note of all possible variant forms and conditions . 必要的研究辦法是把有關的材料分類集合在一起,并注意到所有可能的不同的形式和條件。

Probability theory was successfully applied at the gambling tables and, more relevant to our study, eventually to business . 概率論在賭博中得到成功的應用,對于我們的研究,特別是對于商業管理,是非常重要的。