
relet vt.(-let; -letting) 再出租;續租;轉...


Tenant is in 2005 hire my room , agreement period si is full , tenant is done not have written turn to relet of my his si to give him cousin relet , relet si si is full 2006 , my si intermediary calls in on behalf of the requirement building , but tenant is phoned say to add 700 yuan to hire , i am in phone come to an agreement or understanding , but it is clear that i should ask first , just make clear answer , but went to every months to accept lease , when tenant was not depended on , hand in hire , cross him two days again ability person my bank book , but than former hire adds 100 yuan many , i arrive visit say with him lease si adds those who hire 100 two years to be able to hire you how without me 承租人在2005年租用我房,合約期巳滿,承租人沒有書面轉給我他巳轉租給他表親續租,續租巳2006年巳滿,我巳中介代表要求收回房屋,但承租人打電話給說加700元租,我在電話說好,但我要問清楚先,才明確答復,但到了每月一號收租期,承租人沒有依時交租,再過兩天他才人我銀行簿,但是比原先租金加多100元,我到訪跟他說租出巳兩年加租百份之五都沒有我怎能租給你呀

If landlord does not know inside information , or it is you did not allude on the agreement that rent the item about relet , and your privately undertook relet , so you should are break the law , at least landlord can look for your theory this matter or you should pay a few price for this , so you thed loss outweights the gain 假如房東不知內情,或是你們在租賃協議上沒有提及關于轉租的事項,而你私自進行了轉租,那么你應該算是違法,至少房東可以找你理論此事或你要為此付出一些代價,那么你就得不償失了。

You can try relet , your contract prohibits without the agreement relet , if relet still does not have profit space , can talk things over with landlord retreat hire , if landlord does not agree , can walk along proceeding via the court , but i see meaning you do not take a court of justice , proceeding is too trival , hurt again amiable , delay profitable time not to say to still can not achieve the result that you expect certainly 你可以嘗試轉租,你們的合同沒有約定禁止轉租吧,假如轉租仍沒有利潤空間,就可以和房東協商退租,假如房東不同意,可以經法院走訴訟程序,但我見意你不要走法院,訴訟程序太繁瑣,又傷和氣,耽誤賺錢的時間不說還不一定能達到你預期的效果。

When conduction building relet , should notice the following : 1 , when building relet , must conclude relet contract , and relet contract must classics original letter is written agree , also should deal with register put on record formalities ; 2 , the termination of relet contract date must not rent what the contract sets to end date formerly more than , but the except that lessor and relet both sides negotiate an agreement ; 3 , during relet , change of the original contract that rent , remove or stop , relet contract also is changed accordingly subsequently , remove or stop 在辦理房屋轉租時,應注重以下幾點: 1 、房屋轉租時,必須訂立轉租合同,而且轉租合同必須經原出租人書面同意,也要辦理登記備案手續; 2 、轉租合同的終止日期不得超過原租賃合同規定的終止日期,但出租人與轉租雙方協商約定的除外; 3 、轉租期間,原租賃合同變更、解除或者終止,轉租合同也隨之相應的變更、解除或者終止。

But this one top class homebred brand that protect skin is moved likely also from nanjing road , if be located in nanjing on the west the lease of store of hundred rough market of road downtown will expire on august 31 , 2007 , they cannot get the relet of storefront likewise 但這一頂級的國產護膚品牌也有可能搬離南京路,如位于南京西路鬧市區的佰草集店鋪租約將會在2007年8月31日到期,他們同樣無法得到店面的續租。

If landlord be in the secret , agree with your relet , so you had better sign a written agreement with landlord , also produce issue later in case so , the responsibility of landlord pushs you completely 假如房東知道內情,同意你轉租,那么你最好與房東簽一個書面協議,這樣也以防以后產生糾紛,房東的責任全推給你!

In this problem , it is not ok that i know again relet , but , can tripartite have pecuniary loss or legal responsibility 這個問題中,我知道不可以再轉租,但是,第三方會有經濟損失或法律責任嗎?

Is tenant ok relet building 承租人是否可以轉租房屋?

Of course distinguishing . relet has hire hire advantageous position 當然有區別的。轉租有租聘權啊。

When conduction building relet , what should notice 辦理房屋轉租時,應注重什么?