
relent vi.變溫和,變寬厚;心平氣和;發慈悲心,動憐憫心 (t...


Having nothing more to fear , having scarce anything to hope , for that he would relent there seemed no promise whatever , she lay down dully 他似乎無論如何也不會寬恕她了,既然已經沒有什么可怕的了,也沒有什么可盼的了,所以她就感覺遲鈍地睡下了。

“ you who have forsaken me , “ declares the lord , “ you keep going backward . so i will stretch out my hand against you and destroy you ; i am tired of relenting 耶15 : 6耶和華說、你棄絕了我、轉身退后因此我伸手攻擊你、毀壞你我后悔甚不耐煩。

She pondered suspiciously ; till , thinking that this might after all be true , she relented , and said quite humbly , i beg your pardon , sir 她有些猜疑地思考了一會兒后來覺得這也許是真的,就后悔了,于是十分客氣地說: “我請你原諒,先生。 ”

Therefore the earth will mourn and the heavens above grow dark , because i have spoken and will not relent , i have decided and will not turn back . 28因此,地要悲哀,在上的天也必黑暗。因為我言已出,我意已定,必不后悔,也不轉意不作。

The co - operative societies relent the money to their members at low interest rates . during 20022003 , a total of 79 loans amounting to $ 7 , 765 , 000 were issued 在二二至二三年度,基金合共批出79宗貸款,貸款總額為7 , 765 , 000元。

And being really fully as inclined to laugh as scold - for i esteemed it all girlish vanity - i at length relented in a measure , and asked 我真是想笑又想罵因為我估計這完全是女孩子的虛榮心我終于有幾分心軟了,便問道

And if that nation i warned repents of its evil , then i will relent and not inflict on it the disaster i had planned 8 [和合]我所說的那一邦,若是轉意離4開他們的惡,我就必后5悔,不將我想要施行的災禍降與他們。

I asked him if he could not approach dick white to see if some pressure could be exerted on hollis to relent 我問他,他是否可以去找迪克?懷特,看看能否對霍利斯施加一點壓力,讓他態度緩和一些。

But would uefa relent and make the 16th team liverpool if they beat milan tonight 但是如果今晚真的戰勝米蘭,歐足聯是否會法外開恩使利物浦成為第16支直接進軍小組賽的隊伍呢?

Giallorossi director of sport daniele prad flew in to spain to seal the deal after real relented 在皇馬的態度緩和后,羅馬體育主管布拉德已飛往西班牙去商談這筆交易。

She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that i would someday go to college 不過,沒過幾個月她就心軟了,因為我的養父母許諾日后一定送我上大學。

She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that i would someday go to college 直到幾個月后,我的養父母同意將來一定會讓我上大學,她才軟化態度。

Who knows ? god may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish . 9或者神轉意后悔,不發烈怒,使我們不至滅亡,也未可知。

She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that i would go to college 直到幾個月后,只是在我父母承諾將來會把我送入大學后她才同意我的領養。

There was no pause , no pity , no peace , no interval of relenting rest , no measurement of time 沒有休止,沒有憐憫,沒有和平,沒有寬松的休息,也不計算時間。

“ who knows , god may turn and relent and withdraw his burning anger so that we will not perish . 拿3 : 9或者神轉意后悔、不發烈怒、使我們不至滅亡、也未可知。

But my husband has his weaknesses , and he is so weak as to relent towards this doctor 他也獲得了共和國的信任。但是他有他的弱點,他對醫生心慈手軟。 ”

[ niv ] if he does not relent , he will sharpen his sword ; he will bend and string his bow 若有人不回頭,他的刀必17磨快, 18弓必上19弦,預備妥當了。

If he does not relent , he will sharpen his sword ; he will bend and string his bow 若有人不回頭,他的刀必17磨快, 18弓必上19弦,預備妥當了。