
relegation n.充軍;降職,貶黜;歸屬;(事件的)移交,委托;指示問...


At this point it is not known how keen wright - phillips is on a move to east london - but the relegation - threatened hammers will be hoping to convince the 25 - year - old to make the switch 目前賴特是否希望去東倫敦還未知,但深處降級區的鐵錘幫希望說服這位25歲的球員作出這個決定。

The midfielder , who took legal action against ternana as he believed that his deal with the club was no longer valid following their relegation , has reportedly reached a verbal agreement 這名中場和特爾納納對簿公堂,表示俱樂部和他有口頭約定,在俱樂部降級之后,合同將不再有效

Victory over torino puts parma one point away from safety , with messina , chievo and fiorentina just outside the relegation zone , and rossi is confident of avoiding the drop 戰勝都靈讓帕爾瑪離安全線還有1分。梅西納、切沃和佛羅倫薩剛剛在降級區以外。羅西很自信能夠避免降級。

Everton are the premier league ' s lowest scorers with four goals this season , a figure that has left them in the relegation zone with three wins in 12 games 自開賽以來的12場比賽中,埃弗頓隊只有屈指可數的4個球進帳,是目前所有英超球隊中的最低進球紀錄,其成績也是可想而知。

Half the league was simultaneously fighting against relegation and for a place in the intertoto cup , while the desperately poor champions fc bayern somehow managed to stay in contention 當去年的冠軍拜仁停滯不前時,聯賽一半的球隊同時為了保級和為了托托杯的席位而戰。

The frenchman decided to stay with the old lady despite their relegation to serie b , but the player is unsure whether to remain at the club or move on to pastures new 這名法國球員在尤文降入乙級的時候選擇留了下來,但是現在不確定是否繼續留在球隊還是換一塊新的球隊

The frenchman is happy to let ranieri decide his future but hasmade it known that he would like to join a top club after a yearbattling relegation with levante 法國人樂于讓拉涅利來決定他的未來,不過拉涅利被告知通過一年的萊萬特鍛煉,他想加盟一家頂級俱樂部。

The move will be completed next week , subject to any challenge from west ham , who still claim to own the registration of the player who saved them from relegation last season 這個轉會將在下周完成,曾經聲明這名幫助他們保級的球員會留下的西漢姆不能再做阻攔。

The giallorossi finished in eighth place ? just three points clear of the relegation zone ? after a campaign that saw them go through four coaches and a succession of shock results 羅馬上個賽季經過一連串的意外不幸事件之后,最終只取得第八名的成績。

“ i hope we can close the issue tomorrow , although i would be disappointed for conte who is doing well and is fighting to avoid relegation , ” he added “我希望明天我們能夠完成目標,雖然我對不能和孔蒂對抗很失望,他做得很好,可惜下課了, ”他補述。

“ whether it be avoiding relegation , going for europe , going for the title , every team seems to have a goal going in towards the end of the season . “是否能夠避免降級,向歐洲賽事邁進,贏得錦標,每個俱樂部在賽季末的時候看上去都有一個為之奮斗的目標.

While fiorentina , milan and lazio have all settled after the results of their appeals , the bianconeri are the only team still facing relegation to serie b 在佛羅倫薩,米蘭和拉齊奧都在二審判罰后留在甲級的同時,斑馬軍團成為唯一一支面臨降級的球隊

And city boss stuart pearce would welcome the pacy winger back with open arms as his troops are hovering just two points above the top - flight relegation zone 曼城主教練皮爾斯非常歡迎這位邊前衛能夠回到曼城來,現在這支英超球隊離降級只差2分了。

The french side had already been paired with the bianconero in the summer after the old lady ' s relegation , but the player was forced to stay in turin 法國人方面,在老婦人夏天降級之后與斑馬軍團待著了一起,但是這名球員不是情愿呆在都靈的

His main task will be to stave off the threat of relegation , but the challenge will be tough as parma have accrued just 15 points from 22 games 他的首要任務是將帕爾馬帶出降級區,但是這會是十分艱巨的,因為他的球隊在前22輪只積了15分。

If some of the allegations are confirmed , juventus and other clubs could see points docked , titles stripped or even relegation into serie b 如果其中的一些指控確認,尤文圖斯和其他的涉案俱樂部可能遭到罰分、剝奪冠軍甚至降入乙級!

“ my experience in spain was positive but levante were onlyfighting to avoid relegation and i desire a club with moreaspirations . 我在西班牙的經歷對我來說是積極的,但是萊萬特目標僅僅是為了保級,我渴望加盟一家更有雄心的俱樂部。

If found guilty the clubs are expected to be punished severely , with relegation , expulsion from european competitions and points deductions set to be meted out 如果被證明有罪,他們將受到嚴厲的處罰.降級和扣分,不能參加歐洲聯賽

The granata have picked up just one point in six games , losing their last four on the trot , and now hover perilously above the relegation zone 都靈僅僅在過去的6場比賽中獲得一分,過去的四場比賽盡墨,很可能一不小心就滑入降級區