
relegate vt.1.命令撤離,驅逐(出境);〔古語〕充軍;降職,貶...


Developing software for big conservative companies doesn t have to relegate you to a traditional process , and you don t have to call what you re doing agile or extreme 為大的保守公司開發軟件不一定會將您降到傳統流程,您不必聲明您在做敏捷或極限編程。

Sunderland were relegated as a result of their draw , but celebrated their non - defeat and 12th point of the season as if they were the victors 平局的結果也使得桑德蘭降級,但是從他們(這場比賽)的不敗以及賽季到目前為止只有12分看來似乎他們是比賽的勝利者

They may get relegated , sell their best players , serve overpriced pies and deal in relentless disappointment , but the loyalty of their core fanbase remained undiminished 本賽季以來,英超各賽場上座率的下降讓人們越來越懷疑“足球泡沫”還能撐多久。

The topic of gender equitable education is one that for far too long has been relegated to a “ side issue “ , and there are also some misunderstandings about it in society 摘要性別平等教育長期被視作教育中的次要問題,教育學界對此也存在不少誤解。

The defeat of the parisian insurrection of june , 1848 … relegated to the background for a time the social and political aspirations of the european working class 1848年巴黎六月起義… …的失敗,又把歐洲工人階級的社會和政治要求暫時推到后面去了。

One of the nice things about rdf is that it forces one to think clearly about identification ; in this mapping , the name is relegated to a convenient notation Rdf的好處就在于它迫使人們考慮清楚標識;在這一映射中,由一種方便的標記法來命名。

Fiorentina can secure a uefa cup spot if they win at already - relegated messina on sunday , as can empoli who host struggling reggina 佛羅倫薩和恩波利可能提前獲得聯盟杯的席位如果他們在星期天能分別戰勝莫西納和雷吉納。

My mailbox eventually had a rural address , and the job of hand - delivering candy and cards was relegated to the u . s . postal service 最后,我在鄉村安了家,信件上寫著鄉下地址。親手送糖和卡片的事就交給了美國郵政公司。

A information was relegated from police . we carried on the manufacturing work that prevented the vehicle exploring and the early warning device 從省公安廳得到的信息,我們開始了車輛輪胎防爆預警裝置的研制工作。

Cantona was the 2nd king of old torafford , denis law was the first . birmingham city did not relegate man u , denis law did 坎通納是ot嘔吐球場的第二位國王,第一位是丹尼斯勞。讓曼聯降級的不是伯明翰城,是丹尼斯勞。

The 1st placed team in each of the 3 3rd divisions is automatically promoted . the 3 last place teams in division 2 are relegated 第3區3個組的第1名將會被自動晉級到第2區,第2區積分排最后的3個隊將會被降級3區。

Much of rural north america , up until that time , had been relegated to farming , ranching and other resource extraction activities 直到當時,北美鄉下的許多地方已經開展了農業,畜牧和攝取其他資源的相關活動。

Wanderers know they could face financial meltdown if they are relegated , so selling anelka now is the financial option 博爾頓知道如果他們降級,他們會遭受巨大經濟危機,所以出售阿內爾卡將優先考慮出價高者。

For above - mentioned reasons : we suggestted investors to do only forming processes , and relegate printing and mould cutting to nearby press ,將印刷模切兩道工序委托給附近的印刷廠商或者在紙張原料廠家完成。

He ' s now been relegated to the bench , after lilian thuram was moved into the centre of defence and the summer arrival of fabio cannavaro 在圖拉姆把位置移到中路并且卡納瓦羅加盟后,他就被擠到了替補席上。

But after the rise of neo - confucianism in the song and ming dynasties , buddhism , together with taoism , was relegated to the wilderness 但宋明理學興起,佛教被劃為與道教同屬的活動,一起被打入山林退隱了。

Once relegated to “ ethnic “ parts , the energetic actress is finally earning her stripes as an across - the - board leading lady 一旦淪為“種族“之分,她的大力女主角終于條紋作為謀生一刀切女主角

Industry and commerce were the highest priority for development , while cultural growth was relegated to the sidelines 認為工商建設為先,文化事業則屬可以緩辦或邊緣性的事業。

He never involves his senior staff in decision making ; they feel relegated to the status of office boys 他從不讓那些年長職員參與決策;他們感覺像是被當作辦公室跑腿的了。