
release vt.1.放(箭等),投(炸彈);解放,釋放(囚犯、俘虜...


The man from the west stopped suddenly and released his arm . 從西部來的人突然停了下來,抽出了他的胳膊。

Prisoners held the longest were being released earliest in any case . 被俘時間最早的人總是最先獲釋的。

They decide to go with hawk-eye to bargain for cora's release . 他們決定和“鷹眼”一道去請求釋放科拉。

Anna pressed the button that released the catch of the front door . 安娜按了一下電鈕,讓前門門環松開

Drinking, smoking, and fishing were angleton's main releases . 飲酒、抽煙和釣魚是安格爾頓的三大消遣。

It's a release . 這是一張讓渡證書。

Two bodies. news will be released to the press tomorrow . 有兩具尸體。明天將要向報界發布這條新聞。

Releasing his arm, she laid her hand upon his shoulder . 她把她的手從他的臂上收回來擱在他的肩上。

this energy is released from an area 10. 該能量是從10的面積上釋放出來的。

As it taxied towards the tug the pilot released his torpedo . 飛行員駕機滑向拖輪,隨后投了魚雷。

His hands strove frantically to release the spare wheel . 他的手使盡力氣要把那只備用輪胎取下來。

The police have released no further details about the crime . 警方沒有透露這一罪案進一步的詳情。

Chicherin was released . 契切林終于獲釋。

Release the rope more . 把繩子再放松一點。

During the disintegration energy is released from the nucleus . 在衰變時由原子核釋放出能量。

If you release such a statement, they're going to boil . 你發表這樣的聲明,她倆非氣昏不可。

They released the prisoners . 他們釋放了囚犯。

He was released from the gaol . 他被釋放出獄。

A gas released in free space would expand indefinitely . 在自由空間放出的氣體將無限膨脹。