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relay station 【電信】中繼站[局]。


We place a number of data relaying stations ( drss ) at strategic locations , which can be used to relay data packets between mhs and btss . by using multi - hop , some of the traffic can be diverted away from the hot cell , and to its neighboring cold cells , if one or more such cold neighbors exists , thereby achieving load balancing among the cells and increasing the cell capacity and system capacity 在本論文中,我們將adhoc網絡運用于蜂窩網,通過基于延時估計的adhoc的多跳轉發機制,將業務量繁忙的小區(熱區)的業務部分的分流到鄰近相對空閑的小區(冷區) ,來提高小區的容量,達到信道的動態分配。

This “ the family “ is a naxi typical centralcourtyard , distantly faces one another with the jade dragon snowymountain , the entrance is turbulent yangtze river , but also has thejade dragon snowy mountain which yearned for in at present , is thesaloon car and the saloon car person ' s journey relay station 此“家”是一個納西典型四合院,與玉龍雪山遙遙相望,門口就是洶涌的金沙江,還有向往的玉龍雪山就在眼前,是房車與房車人的旅途驛站。

Our system is composed of display and control subsystem on boat , relay station , and buoys . among others , buoy - style structure is one of its innovations , which enables it to track and position targets in wide range with high precision 本系統由船載顯控分系統、中繼站和浮標三大部分組成,其中浮標式結構的提出是系統設計的獨特之處,使系統可以實現大范圍、高精度的目標跟蹤定位。

In general , the port is treated as the heartland in the site selection of conventional berth , whereas it is particular for train ferry berth as the relay station between sea route and railway system 常規泊位選址均以港口為中心進行,而輪渡泊位因為是海上航線和陸上鐵路運輸系統的轉接點,因此選址中比選因素的確定具有特殊性。

Several important matters in pipe jacking construction are introduced , which are the design of jacking force , relay station and disposal of joints ; moreover its effect factors and treating measurement are discussed 介紹了頂管施工中的幾個重要問題:頂力設計、中繼站和管接頭的處理,并討論了其影響因素及處理措施。

Now , we have set 2820 user collection terminals , which were composed by main center system and four relay stations and seven sub - centers and three secondary sub - centers 目前共建立了具有主中心系統、四個中繼站,七個分中心和三個二級分中心,共有各種用戶采集終端2820臺。

Measurements at these stations are transmitted first via radio link to relay stations in hong kong then by telephone lines to the observatory headquarters 這些自動氣象站所收集的數據,首先經無線電傳送至境內的中繼站,再透過電話線送返天文臺總部。

Scientists have set up two kinds of relay stations . one kind is on the earth , the other is a satellite placed in space around the earth 科學家們已建立了兩種中繼站,一種在地球上,而另一種是放在地球周圍太空中的衛星上。

Some satellite relay stations relay radio waves to the earth but they receive the waves not from the earth , but from other space 某些衛星中繼站向地球轉播無線電波,但它們不是從地球而是從外層太空接收無線電波。

An artificial satellite which is projected into a predetermined orbit around the earth to function as a relay station 一種發射到預定軌道的人造地球衛星,它的功能相當于一個通信中繼站。

Secondly , relay station have it ' s own storage . after generalization and simplification , the author discusses its solution 在對該類問題進行了推廣與簡化之后,作者討論其求解方法。

The two control modes of lduwarc system are direct control and controlling with relay station 遠程聲遙控系統的遙控方式有直接遙控和中繼遙控。

Less ash than that would knock out electrical power and relay stations 而火山灰數量稍少的地區,電力站與通訊中繼站可能會遭到破壞。

Relay station of afferent nerve 傳入神經接替站

Electromagnetic environment protection requirements for microwave relay stations 微波接力站電磁環境保護要求

Alan , where are you ? - ' i ' m at the satellite relay station . ' 艾倫,你在哪兒- “我在衛星中繼站”

- alan , where are you ? - ' i ' m at the satellite relay station . ' -艾倫,你在哪兒- “我在衛星中繼站”

We receive telecast from beijing trough relay station 我們通過中轉站接收北京的電視節目。