
relay n.1.接替的馬;驛馬;接替的狗;(備有接替馬匹的)旅館...

relay broadcast

Detail specification for 2 - pole 10a relay sockets 雙極10a繼電器插座的詳細規范

A check led is connected in parallel with the relay coil 檢驗led與繼電線圈并聯。

Eleb - v electromagnetic relay contact jitter tester Eleb - v電磁繼電器觸點抖動監測儀

Electrical relays . part 8 : thermal electrical relays 繼電器.第8部分:熱電氣繼電器

Electrotechnical terminology time all - or - nothing relays 電工術語有或無時間繼電器

Electrical relays - part 23 : contact performance 電氣繼電器.第23部分:觸點性能

A dep - 531 differential protection relay for transformers 1dep 531變壓器主保護

Electrical relays ; part 8 : thermal electrical relays 繼電器.第8部分:熱敏繼電器

They were routed through anonymous relays 它們都是通過匿名的中繼站路由發送的

7 output drivers . can be used to drive relays , leds 7路輸出可用于驅動繼電器, led

8 output drivers . can be used to drive relays , leds 6路輸出可用于驅動繼電器, led

Relay control output - on off with return difference 繼電器控制輸出on off帶回差

Frame relay services . part 1 : general description 幀中繼服務.第1部分:一般描述

On the canisters can only be activated via satellite relay 只能通過衛星信號引爆

Form c isolated relay would have three terminals 一個c型隔離繼電器則有3個端子。

Semiconductor relay , p - switching or n - switching S半導體繼電器p型開關或n型開關

This is relayed to montag as an allegory of society 孟泰格將此視作社會的諷喻。

Universal relay full - function micro - nu relays 通用型繼電器全功能微型ru繼電器

Field testing of relaying current transformers 繼電器用的電流變壓器現場測試指南