
relaxedly adv.松弛的。


The first factor which cao cao successed was that he pursued the way of legalism , furthermore he also accepted the thoughts of logician , military strategist and political strategist , so he could do both severely and relaxedly , and could deal with concrete matters by the spirit of realism , but his ultimate ideal was kingly way and policy of benevolence which confucian favours ; he also obeyed daoism for preserving his health 曹操的成功首先在于他奉行法家之道,兼采名家、兵家、縱橫家思想,寬嚴兼濟,求真務實;而他的終極社會政治理想則在于儒家的王道仁政;在個人養生方面,他還究心于道家的理論與實踐。