
relaxant adj.放松的,弛緩的〔尤指減輕肌肉的緊張程度〕。n.【...


No , a first gas information molecule discovered in human being , is a typical endothelial - derived relaxant and mediates endothelium - dependent relaxation of blood vessels . in the pathogesis of endotoxin shock vec is one of the major target cells of lps and lps - induced proinflammatory cytokine such as tumor necrosis factor and interlukin 1 and activated . in vec inducible nitric oxide synthase ( inos ) is induced and lead to an increase in production of no , the while endothelial nitric oxide synthase ( enos ) is inhibited and elicit decrease in no formation , both of which are demonstrated to induce the 在內毒素休克過程中vec是lps及其誘導機體產生的多種促炎細胞因子如tnf 、 il - 1作用的主要靶細胞, vec誘導型一氧化氮合酶( induciblenitricoxidesynthase , inos )激活、 no大量誘生而內皮型一氧化氮合酶( endothelialnitricoxidesynthase , enos )活性被抑制、 no生成障礙,是血管反應性異常變化、血管調節機制紊亂的重要發病環節。

The tracheal intubations were done under neuroleptanalgesia combined with topical spray of local anesthetic in 439 patients , intravenous anesthesia of sedative drugs and nondepolarizing relaxants of subnormal doses in 629 subjects , and total intravenous or inhaled anesthesia in 1 757 cases , respectively 其中439例采用神經安定鎮痛-口咽表面麻醉, 629例采用靜脈麻醉藥鎮靜-小劑量肌松藥麻醉, 1757例采用全靜脈或吸入麻醉。

Among them : what effect do the hormone receptors and angiotensin receptors play in pupillary musculature ; do systemic muscle relaxants affect iris muscle tone , and if so , ia which receptors ; and how do intraoperatie fluidics affect the iris in ifis 包括:激素受體和血管緊張素受體在瞳孔肌肉組織中起什么作用;全身性肌松藥是否影響虹膜肌緊張度,如果是,經由哪個受體起作用;及手術中的射流技術如何影響ifis中的虹膜?

A rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine ) 快速序貫誘導:誘導麻醉最常用的是快速序貫誘導方法,應用此法時先快速給予超短時作用的巴比妥(如硫賁妥鈉) ,接著給去極化的肌肉松弛劑(如琥珀膽堿) 。

Because of muscle relaxant ' s potential toxic effect and complicated action mechanism , anesthetist must closely monitor and evaluate patient ' s condition of muscle relaxation to achieve the following purpose : ( 1 ) administer muscle relaxant properly to any patients 由于肌松藥具有潛在的毒副作用,且肌松藥的作用機理和藥理特性極為復雜,所以,要對病人的肌松程度進行正確評估,以實現: ( 1 )肌松藥的用量個體化。

Rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine ) 快速序貫誘導:誘導麻醉最常用的是快速序貫誘導方法,應用此法時先快速給予超短時作用的巴比妥(如硫賁妥鈉) ,接著給去極化的肌肉松弛劑(如琥珀膽堿) 。

In the 3 cases of acute torticollis without trauma history . all had the history of upper respiratory infection about 7 to 10 days before the onset of episodes , and they were completely recovered through medications ( nsa1d & muscle relaxant ) and the usage of cervical collar 一歲以下接受手術與一歲以上才接受手術者,手術后效果并無顯著差異;但六歲以上才接受手術的4例,則僅可達“尚好“程度的改善。

Rose bud is said to be effective in blood circulation and therefore , is one of the safest medicinal herbs as a soothing , gentle relaxant that has been shown to work for a variety of complaints from stress to menstrual cramps 玫瑰鮮花特有的天然香色,對于女性來說,玫瑰花喝多了,還可以讓自己的臉色同花瓣一樣變得紅潤起來。這是因為玫瑰花有很強的行氣活血化淤調和臟腑的作用。

In operation of general anesthesia , administering muscle relaxant to patient properly can not only provide satisfactory muscle relaxation for surgery , but also eliminate the dangers caused by patient ' s cough and muscle convulsion 在全麻外科手術中,合理使用肌松藥不但能為外科手術帶來滿意的肌松條件,而且能消除病人的咳嗽、肌肉痙攣給手術帶來的風險。

Although paralysis by muscle relaxants simplified exposure of the operative site and decreases the need for volatile anesthetics , many signs of anesthesia are absent in the paralyzed patient 盡管肌肉松弛劑所導致的麻痹使手術野易于暴露并減少揮發性麻醉劑的需要量,但麻痹病人缺乏許多麻醉征象。

Conclusion the effects of different muscle relaxants with dissimilar structure were various to the adult - and the embryonic - nicotinic acetylcholine receptors 結論不同化學結構肌松藥對成人型或胎兒型乙酰膽堿受體的抑制程度不同,而成人型或胎兒型乙酰膽堿受體對一種肌松藥的親和力也有差異。

Orphenadrine is a muscle relaxant . indomethacin and diclofenac are pain killers . all these western medicines should only be used under medical supervision 鄰甲苯海明( orphenadrine )是肌肉松弛劑, ? ?美辛( indomethacin )及雙氯芬酸( diclofenac )是止痛劑,這些西藥均須在醫生監督下使用。

Nonspecific , nonimmunologic histamine release is also far more frequent than anaphylaxis and is common with medications such as morphine and certain muscle relaxants 麻醉期間非特異性、非免疫性組胺釋放也比過敏反應的幾率高,常出現在使用嗎啡或某些肌肉松弛劑時。

In this paper , the characteristics of emotional reaction in the relaxant and tense environment for both excellent athletes and ordinary university students were studied 摘要采用實驗法,研究放松狀態和緊張狀態下優秀運動員和普通大學生的情緒反應特點。

Traditionally , inhalational anesthetics with mechanical hyperventilation , opioids , and muscle relaxants are used in anesthesia for repair surgery 傳統上,我們使用吸入性麻醉藥物合并人工呼吸器、鴉片類藥物以及肌肉松弛劑來維持手術所需要的麻醉。

Traditionally , inhalational anesthetics with mechanical hyperventilation , opioids , and muscle relaxants are used in anesthesia for repair surgery 常規上,我們使用吸入性麻醉藥物合并人工呼吸器、鴉片類藥物以及肌肉松弛劑來維持手術所需要的麻醉。

A clinical trial comparing non - steroid anti - inflammatory drugs combined with muscle relaxant to non - steroid anti - inflammatory drugs in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis 非甾體抗炎藥聯合肌松劑治療膝關節骨關節炎的臨床研究

Inhaled and intravenous anesthetics , narcotics , and muscle relaxants should be selected with specific pharmacologic goals in mind 應該注意根據特殊的藥理學目的來選擇吸入或靜脈麻醉劑、麻醉性鎮痛藥和肌肉松弛劑。

Frusemide is used to remove excess water from the body . chlorzoxane is a muscle relaxant . oxethazaine is used to relieve stomach upset 至于另外含有的西藥成份撲熱息痛,則無需醫生紙購買。