
relax vt.1.松弛(肌肉等),放松(緊握的手等);使軟弱無力...


We can seek a relaxation of tensions without relaxing our guard . 我們能一方面保持警惕一方面設法緩和緊張局面。

After the morning 's study , you should relax your mind and enjoy yourself . 學習了一上午,松快松快大腦吧。

He felt very relaxed and very happy to be reading the papers . 他現在只覺得舒身舒坦,讀著報紙,真高興極了。

She relaxed a little, pleased that she was getting safely away . 她感到輕松一點,她高興她可以平安地走開了。

The off-duty watch relaxed under a lantern after the squall . 狂風過后,下了班的值夜人員在一盞提燈下憩息。

The typees are physically beautiful, relaxed in their sexual mores . 泰皮人身體健壯,男女關系自由隨便。

She 's always got a worry list a mile long . i wish she 'd just relax and enjoy life . 她總是憂慮重重。

One must never relax pressures when the opponent is weakening . 在對手軟下去時,我們決不能放松壓力。

Back come orders: tighten this muscle, relax that one . 傳回的命令是,拉緊這一條肌肉,放松那一條。

He relaxes into candour . 他心情輕松。

His countenance relaxed . 他的臉色和緩了。

Take the rest of the day off, relax and have a few drinks . 今天放你的假,休息休息,喝上幾杯。

His stance was relaxed . 他悠然自得地站著。

He relaxed for a moment . 他渾身放松了一會。

The administration relaxed on a number of minor matters . 政府在一系列的小問題上放松了限制。

The strain of the previous moments was relaxed immediately . 剛才的那種緊張氣氛馬上消失了。

I tried to relax . 我盡量使自己顯得隨便一些。

Their meeting is cordial, if hardly relaxed . 他們的會見即便說不上輕松愉快,但也是親切的。

Demerest had no intention of relaxing mentally . 德默雷斯特一點也不想在思想上有一點松懈。