
relator n.〔拉丁語〕1.敘述者,講說者。2.【法律】原告,告發...


Class action , orgnization action , relator action and mass action are concrete patterns of public interest action . public interest action ' s effective motion depends on some factors , such as the ideological trend of wellfare county , lawey ' s pleading for public interest , the private ' s active participation and relevant system “ s coordination 集團訴訟、團體訴訟、民眾訴訟、檢舉人訴訟等都是公益訴訟的具體形態。公益訴訟的良好運行需要有福利國家的社會思想基礎、律師的公益辯護、私人的積極參與和相關制度的配臺等多種因素的共同作用。

Classical personality types such as the creative imaginator , neutral expert , analytical thinker , relator and decision - maker 個典型的性格類型如創意的幻想家團隊專家分析思想者交際家和決策者。

Criminal informations were formerly filed ex - relation of an individual known as the relator 從前刑事檢控被作為某個已知的有關人的某個人的“依據告發” 。

To each of these domains there corresponds a generator, and to each cross-over there corresponds a relator . 這些區域中的每一個對應于一個生成元,而每個交叉點對應于一個關系子。

Criminal informations were formerly filed ex-relation of an individual known as the relator . 從前刑事檢控被作為某個已知的有關人的某個人的“依據告發”。