
relativity n.相關(性);互相依存;相對性;相對論。 the ge...


His brother is assiduous in the study of relativity 他哥哥正刻苦學習相對論。

On the value of breakthrough about contract relativity 論契約相對性突破之價值

A contradiction and analysis in theory of relativity 相對論中的一個矛盾問題及分析

Research on the relativity of spread spectrum sequence 系統中擴頻序列相關性的研究

This led him to the special theory of relativity 沿著這條路線,他創立了相對論。

Einstein did much more than relativity 愛因斯坦除了相對論還有很多其它的貢獻。

The relativity of moving - charge ' s electromagnetic field 運動電荷電磁場的相對性

They teach the relativity of all ethical ideas 他們宣揚一切道德觀念的相對性。

The influence of the theory of relativity on philosophy 相對論對哲學的影響問題

Einstein was famous for his theory of relativity 愛因斯坦以他的相對論而聞名。

An approach of the relativity of grid resources 一種網格資源的語義相關性表示方法

Enlightenment from practice - examining of theory relativity 相對論實踐檢驗的啟示

Historicism asserts that the historical relativity of social laws makes most of the methods of physics inapplicable to sociology . 歷史決定論斷言,由于社會規律具有歷史相對性,因而大多數的物理學方法不能應用于社會學。

The assertion that the forms of the laws of physics are the same in all inertial systems is known as the principle of relativity . 在一切慣性系中物理定律的形式都一樣,這樣的結論稱為相對性原理。

Nothing in our experience has ever raised the strange effects of relativity to the threshold of observability . 在我們的日常生活中,從來還沒有什么東西使奇特的相對論效應提高到可觀察的程度。

We shall see when we discuss relativity that the behavior of measuring rods and clocks is itself a matter for experiment . 在討論相對論時將會看到,測量用的桿和鐘的性能本身就是個實驗問題。

Historically speaking, special relativity grew out of classical electromagnetic theory and experiments inspired by it . 從歷史上講,狹義相對論來源于經典電磁學理論及其所引起的多種實驗。

This far-reaching assumption about the invariance of physical laws is a foundation stone of the theory of relativity . 關于物理定律不變性的這一影響深遠的假設,是相對論的一個基石。

The laws of mechanics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. this is called galilean relativity . 在所有的慣性參照系中,力學定律都是一樣的,這叫做伽利略相對性。