
relativist n.相對論者。


This thesis , in light of the author ' s long ideological and political work in college , attempts to analyze dialectically from a philosophical angle the diverse relativist tendencies of chinese college students since the nineties of 20th century and their causes and put forward the countermeasures and proposals 本文結合自己長期從事高校思想政治工作的實踐,試圖從哲學的角度對90年代以來的中國大學生出現的種種相對主義傾向進行辯證地透析,剖析成因,提出對策建議。

By an examination of the central concepts in zhuang zi ' s philosophy such as tian ( heaven ) arid tian lai ( the music of heaven ) , the present author argues that zhuang zi the relativist is a misreading , which is due partly to the paradoxical style of narration on the part of zhuang zi , but most importantly , is owing to the influence of guo xiang ' s self - transformation interpretation 本文通過對莊子哲學的中心概念“天” 、 “天籟”的考察,認為判莊子哲學為相對主義乃出于誤讀,這與莊子吊詭的言說方式易遭人誤解有關,而更重要的是郭象的“獨化說”所造成的影響,而郭注對于《齊物論》中“天籟”概念以及“自己”一詞的解釋是其關鍵。

The value relativist tendency of college students demonstrates in thre , e aspects , the multiplicity of value views , conflicts and intermissions of ideals and the malpractice of liberty . by analyzing the causes of the relativist tendencies of contemporary chinese college students , the author holds that the social environment , school 剖析當代大學生相對主義傾向的成因,筆者認為是社會大環境、學校教育、家庭教育以及個人等多方面因素綜合作用的結果,而且大學生的相對主義傾向表現為消極方面要多于積極方面,因此需要教育工作者加大教育引導的力度。

In real life , relativist tendencies are unavoidable in the behavior of some people due to the complexity of cognition and social practice . the contemporary college students , to some degree , manifest the relativist tendencies with their special characteristics 在現實生活中,由于認識和社會實踐的復雜性,一些人的言行不免表現出相對主義的傾向,當代大學生在當今特定的社會環境下,在一定程度上表現出了具有自身特點的相對主義傾向。

Hence a new perspective is needed . in the second part , the theories of ssk and sst have been introduced and two important characters of the social constructionism have been generalized , the relativist epistemology and empiricist methodology 在第二部分里,本文對ssk和sst的理論做了簡單的介紹,歸納出社會建構理論的兩個重要特征:相對主義的認識論以及方法論上的經驗主義。

All that can be said , according to these relativist philosophers , is that science has been vastly successful in grabbing headlines , and that this success calls for sociological or political explanation 這些相對論哲學家認為:科學在搶新聞頭條上大獲成功,這種成功尚需社會學或政治學上的詮釋,僅此而已。

The cultural relativist tendency of the college students demonstrates itself in random and superficial absorption , loss of cultural cognition as well as loftiness of cultural taste 大學生文化相對主義傾向的表現,一在于對于多樣文化的隨意而淺表的吸納和文化認同的茫然性,二在于文化品位上的消解崇高。

The consumption relativist tendency of college students demonstrates in three aspects , “ following the sensibility “ , being practical and doing things unconventional or unorthodox 大學生消費相對主義傾向的表現一是“跟著感覺走” ,二是講求實惠,三是喜歡標新立異。

They demonstrate their relativist tendencies in mainly the following five aspects : ( i ) the cultural relativist tendency 當代大學生相對主義傾向主要表現在五個方面: (一)文化相對主義的傾向。

The moral relativist tendency of college students demonstrates in that they are indifferent to morals or go with the stream 大學生中的道德相對主義傾向的表現之一就是從眾隨流和怎么都行。

As mr law puts it , “ anyone who emphasizes the importance of moral autonomy must , be default be a relativist 老先生在書中如此描述他們的觀點, “凡是強調道德觀自主的人都是中庸主義者。 ”

( v ) the value relativist tendency (五)價值相對主義的傾向。

( ii ) the moral relativist tendency (二)道德相對主義的傾向。

( iii ) the political relativist tendency (三)政治相對主義的傾向。

( iv ) the consumption relativist tendency (四)消費相對主義的傾向。