
relativism n.相對性;相對主義,相對論。


For many modern scholars doing the history of chinese philosophy , zhuang zi ' s philosophy is labeled as relativism , which , however , neither does justice to the positive role zhuang zi plays in chinese culture , nor accords with the text of zhuang zi 摘要現代哲學史家多將莊子歸為相對主義者,但這種解釋既與莊子在中國文化中的作用不相稱,也與《莊子》的文本不合。

The consumption relativism holds that people ' s consumption conditions and orientations are mainly decided upon their self - evaluation , esp . upon their likes and dislikes , not necessary to follow the universally recognized standards 消費相對主義認為人們的消費狀況和取向可以主要根據自己的自我評價,特別是內心的好惡來確定,而不必遵循社會認可的普遍標準。

The political relativism holds that no political view , attitude or evaluation is or ought to be authoritative and that people have their free choice to evaluate politics differently or to be indifferent to politics 政治相對主義認為沒有哪一種對政治的看法與態度或評價能夠或者應該是權威性的,人們可以對政治進行不同的評價或采取說不清的態度。

Relativism embraces the reasonable factors of challenge of authority , courage of doubt and emancipation of thought though it is characterized by the views which exaggerate one - sidedly the relativity of things and cognition 相對主義是片面夸大事物和認識的相對性時產生的觀點,但它又包含著不盲從權威、敢于懷疑、善于提問、思想解放等合理因素。

The value of law has two characteristics : subjectivity ( 主體 性 ) and objectivity ( 客觀性 ) , among which subjectivity is the fundamental one . but value subjectivity must not make for value relativism 主體性與客觀性是法的價值的兩大特性,其中,主體性是法之價值的根本特性,但是,并不能由法的價值主體性走向法的價值相對主義。

The article makes a preliminary probe into the question by focusing on the following three aspects : national values of relativism , nihilism education of “ emperorship “ and the incompleteness of reforms after ww 本文主要從相對主義的民族價值觀、 “皇國史觀”的虛無主義教化、日本二戰后改革的不徹底性這三方面進行了初步探討。

If the peculiar relationship between truth ' s absolutism and relativism can be called “ truth ' s antinomy , “ many philosophical issues over recent several decades of years aim at solving this antinomy 摘要如果將真理的絕對主義與相對主義之吊詭稱作“真理的二律背反” ,那么近數十年來,許多哲學問題都是為了解決這個二律背反。

All the work under review seems to agree that universalism is a product of relative history and relativism hosts a universalistic logic within the said communitarian boundaries 摘要二十世紀末期所召開對亞洲價值有關的辯論甚多,其中研討會的成果在新近發表的有三本,對這個課題有十分新穎而廣泛的探討,值得國內學界重視。

Historical , positivism and cultural relativism are the several major research paradigms appeared in the growth of comparative education research and had great impact on the development of comparative education 摘要在比較教育的研究歷程中,產生了歷史主義、民族主義、實證主義和文化相對主義等幾種主要的研究范式。

Relativism is a rather influential philosophical trend in the western and chinese philosophical histories and the connotations of relativity and absoluteness and their relations are deeply discussed 相對主義是哲學史上頗有影響的哲學思潮,中西方哲學史上對相對與絕對的內涵及其關系都做過許多深入探討。

Secondly , this thesis focused on some main subprogrammes of constructivist ssk , such as the empirical programme of relativism , the anthropological programme of science , and the programme of discourse 在完整、準確地表述科學實踐的問題上,科學知識社會學尚需與相關學科展開充分的交流與對話。

Finally i will demonstrate why an appeal to religions for a ground of ethic will lead to either dogmatism or relativism , which is against the will of its initiators 最后,我將證明為什么訴諸宗教來確立倫理的基礎,不是導向教條主義,就是導向相對主義,而這一結果有違發起者的初衷。

As a result , linguistic study has been promoted into a new stage , there is no doubt that such a methodology has shortcomings of its own which corresponds with its opening system and relativism 喬姆斯基的方法具有一定的局限性和相對性,這和他的理論的開放性和相對性是統一的。

Proposition and its representation in mind is a very well - argued conceptual instrument to justify the objectivity of knowledge or truth and to criticize subjectivism and relativism 命題與命題顯現是論證知識或真理的客觀性、批判各種主觀主義、相對主義的強有力的概念工具。

Marxist dialectics is neither rigid doctrines in textbooks nor fluky tools of relativism , but the law that reveals its humanistic nature and combines practice with history 摘要馬克思主義辯證法既不是凝固在教科書中的永恒教條,也不是萬變沒有其宗的相對主義工具。

It should be clear that neither universalism nor relativism is a fact , nor are they about morality , nor can they justify themselves as human nature 簡言之,這個二元對立是錯誤的,因為普遍主義與相對主義都不是事實,也都非關乎道德,更都不是人類的天性。

Theory of moral relativism ; definition of faith and betrayal ; arguments for and against prostitution and polygamy ; russell ; goldstein ; debate on local cases 道德相對主義、忠誠與不忠、妓女與多婚制的問題、羅素、高斯坦、本地個案之研究。

It is about time we face it , whether we like it or not : the relativism ? universalism tension in anthropological comparison is simply not going to go away 它在關于我們面對它的時間,不管我們喜歡:相對性普救說緊張在人類學比較簡單地不走開。

Marxism gives relativism a reasonable dialectical evaluation , holding that dialectics includes but is not sum up by relativism 馬克思主義從辯證法包含著相對主義,但并不歸結為相對主義的立場出發,對相對主義進行了辯證的合理評價。