
relatively adv.1.關系上;相對;相互。2.比較上;按…比例說,...


Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the spleenic substance . 甚至輕微的創傷就能引起脾實質撕裂。

The extra filtration is relatively simple since no washing is attempted . 此次額外過濾,比較簡單,因為不需要洗滌。

Some are obviously tinged with relatively unalloyed empiricism . 其中有些地方明顯地帶有較多不相容的經驗主義色彩。

Relatively large quantities of solid are to be treated in this way . 有相當大量的固體顆粒有待以此方法進行處理。

The difficulty lies primarily in the fact that the fiber core is relatively small . 困難主要在于纖維芯比較小。

The “pre-seismic anomalous activity“ is a relatively short burst . “震前異常活動”是一種比較短暫的突發事件。

In the periphery of the retina, ganglion cells are relatively few in number . 在視網膜的邊緣區節細胞相當少。

Heat exchangers within fluidized beds require relatively small surface areas . 流化床中換熱器所需面積較小。

The relatively volatile liquid hydrocaroons, is called gas condensates . 較易揮發的液態烴,又稱氣體凝析液。

The function of the thymus was unknown until relatively recently . 直到不久以前,人們對胸腺的功能尚不明了。

Our hoard of calcium is relatively enormous--2. 2 pounds of it . 我們囤積的鈣相對來說是非常多的--有22磅。

Voidage is a relatively simple matter to determine experimentally . 空隙度是比較容易地用實驗方法來確定的。

Seeds, being relatively large, can be observed and trapped easily . 種子是比較大的,能被看到并且容易采集。

Both spherical and regular crystalline forms are relatively rare . 球形的和規則的球晶形成相對來說很稀少。

Many routine data collection systems are relatively inflexible . 很多常規數據收集系統相對說是不易更動的。

The column was formed integrally within a relatively rigid frame . 柱子與一個具備相當剛性的框架形成整體。

Considering the smallness of the car , it is relatively roomy inside . 別看這輛汽車小,里面還比較寬敞。

Relatively few bony structures can be felt in the cervical region . 相對來說,頸部的骨性結構不易摸到。

Specimens considered had relatively uniform, smooth features . 所考慮的試件具有比較均勻、光滑的特點。