
relative adj.1.關于…的,與…有關系[聯系]的。2.相對的;...

relative adjective

Again, if there is excessive relative sliding the fluid will become too hot to solidify . 液體溫度太高以致也不能固化。

Then dr millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient . 接著米靈頓醫生問打電話的人是不是病人的家屬。

I once brought some relatives from italy to see where i worked . 有一次,我把意大利來的一些親戚帶來參觀我的工作場所。

A suitable relative humidity is important for the preservation of furniture . 適當的相對溫度對保護家具是十分重要的。

I address these lines-written in india-to my relatives in english . 我在印度寫下的這封信,是給我那些在英國的親戚的。

The major semiaxis a and p of the relative orbital motion are known . 我們知道其相對軌道運動的主要半長軸a和周期p。

The measured values of k1s partly reflect the relative donor power . 測定K1S值就可以部分地反映其相對給電子能力。

The descent warms the air and its relative humidity accordingly drops . 這種下沉使空氣變暖,其相對溫度相應下降。

In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths . 在絕對真理的長河中有無數相對真理。

Nominally they are close relatives , but they do n't see much of each other . 他們名義上是近親,實際上不大來往。

Frictional forces may also act when there is no relative motion . 在無相對運動的情況下,也可以有摩擦力的作用。

Routine laboratory tests frequently indicate a relative lymphocytosis . 實驗室常規檢查常顯示淋巴細胞相對增多。

Properties of the first kind are called relative properties of the surface . 第一類性質被稱做曲面的相關性質。

He is an odd boy, so adult, the relatives tell his mother . 親戚們在背后對媽媽說:這孩子有點怪,太大人腔了。

These seedlots can be denoted by their relative growth rates . 這些種子組可根據其相對生長速度進行編號表示。

Relative deprivation is attributed to inequalities in the social system . 相對剝奪來自社會制度的不平等。

How would the relative velocity be altered if b were ahead of a ? 假如B在A前面,那么相對速度怎樣改變呢?

The clocks in relative motion keep different times . 處在相對運動狀態下的幾個鐘,所記錄下來的時間不同。

He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative . 他很關心別人,因而大家都把他當作親人。