
relationship n.1.親戚,親戚關系。2.關系,聯系。3.〔委婉語〕男...


They guard this relationship jealously against all outsiders . 他們小心翼翼地維護這種關系,防范一切外來者。

He still held a tentative relationship with marjorie stafford . 他還和麥琪利斯達福保持著若即若離的關系。

He drifted into one of those easygoing relationships with john, kenmy . 他和約翰、肯尼建立了很隨便的關系。

The general would never put a handle to their relationship . 將軍在對他們的關系上,從來就沒有一個準譜兒。

The relationship between plant and pollinator is a mutualistic one . 植物和授粉動物之間的關系是典生關系。

A relationship exists between tree density and fruit yields . 植株密度和果實產量之間存在一種相關關系。

Is it the equivalent of the entire system of social relationships ? 它是不是整個社會關系系統的同義語?

Rates of leaf photosynthesis have little relationship to yield . 葉片的光合作用速率與產量的關系不大。

“ relationship “ can indicate a strong emotional association . “relationship”可以指強烈的感情聯系。

It is the beginning of the development of a lasting relationship . 這是發展銀行與顧客永恒關系的開始。

The relationship of atrophic gastritis to cancer has been debated . 萎縮性胃炎與胃癌的關系尚有爭論。

Regular relationships exist between these objective forces . 在這些客觀力量之間存在著有規律的聯系。

We would have to authenticate your relationship with the boy . 我們必須證實一下您和那個孩子的關系。

Their first exchange set the tone for a new relationship . 他們初步交換意見,為建立新關系定了調子。

Maybe every relationship is either a joy or a sentence . 也許每一種關系不是一種樂事,便是一種刑罰。

Their affair did not develop into a lasting relationship . 他們的曖昧交往未能發展成為持久的關系。

In war-time, as on board ship, relationships deepen fast . 在戰時,同在船上一樣,關系加深得很快。

Her relationship with mr. dodds was very amiable, however . 但是,她與多茲先生的關系是很和睦的。

Bungy and i had had an ambivalent relationship over years . 我和邦迪多年來有著好惡參半的關系。