
relation n.1.說話,敘述,報告;故事。2.關系,聯系;〔pl....


Lily had no mind for the vagabond life of the poor relation . 麗莉受不了窮親戚們那種乞丐般的苦日子。

We must not put our standards too low in relation to the enemy . 我們決不要在和敵人對比時妄自菲薄。

There is also a negative aspect to hotel public relations . 對于旅館公共關系,還有一個相反的方面。

Relations of production must conform to the level of productive forces . 生產關系必須適合生產力。

He declared that not even this relation is deterministic . 他聲稱,甚至這種關系也不是一成不變的。

The poor relations were seated at the bottom of the long table . 窮親戚們被安排在長餐桌的末座。

The outlay seems to bear no relation to the object aimed at . 這費用似乎和預期目的完全不相稱。

You know how important color relations are on a dress . 你知道色調對比在一件衣服上是多么重要。

Entailment is the converse of the relation of logical consequence . 導出是邏輯推論關系的逆敘。

It's a poor little place. my relations despise it . 這是個又小又破的住處。我的親屬們看不上眼。

The set e may be thought of as a binary relation on set v . 集合E可看成集合V上的一個二元關系。

He had always been farsighted about relations with japan . 在同日本的關系上,他總是有遠見的。

There is no relation between wax content and geographical origin . 蠟質含量與產地無多大關系。

Our relations were business relations, but confidential . 我們的關系是業務關系,但是很親密。

Courts of domestic relations deal with family disagreements . 家庭關系的法庭則處理家庭糾紛。

The report has relation to a state of things now past . 這個報告是關于現在已經過去的事件的。

Is he any relation to you ? 他是你的親戚嗎?

The relations between the two countries have shown some improvement . 兩國關系已有所改善。

The relation between salaries remains fairly constant . 各類工資之間的比例大體上維持不變。