
relate vt.1.講,敘述(故事等)。2.把…與…關聯起來;顯示...


This may well hold good for any limited series of related hydrocarbons . 這種關系在一些有關烴類的有限系列中可能適用。

This alternation feature is commonly related to emplacement of c-shaped rolls . 蝕變的特征一般同C形的卷型礦化有關。

Whether the myxomycota are closely related to the eumycota is doubtful . 粘菌是否與真菌有密切的親緣關系還沒有確定。

Several men began to relate anecdotes of previous beanos . 有些人又喋喋不休地大談前幾次舉行宴會時發生的一些事情。

The frequency domain, the holograph and related concepts have all been used . 頻率域、全息及有關的概念都已采用。

Sandstone benches are directly related to steps in the strandline . 巖石的各個砂級和海濱線的位置有著直接的關系。

He proposed that all living things are related by descent . 他提出,所有生物都由它們共同的祖先把彼此相連在一起。

The null result was directly related to a central postulate of the theory . 零結果都直接與理論的中心假設相聯系。

The chapter on nitrocompounds and related structures heads part iv . 第四部分頭一章討論了硝基化合物及有關結構。

There is a possibility that alkalinity of ash is related to fiber fineness . 灰分的堿度可能與纖維的細度有關。

Memory organization relates to internal memory capacity and structure . 存貯器的組成和內存容量及構造有關。

Miss surmmerson is not related to any party in the cause . 薩默森小姐和這個案子的任何一方都沒有親屬關系。

He is learning chemistry , biology and other related sciences . 他正在學習化學、生物學及其他相關的科學。

The level of taxation is closely related to government spending . 征稅的水平與政府的預算緊密聯系在一起。

This is subeconomic mineralization related to minor dyke swarms . 這是與小巖脈群有關的準經濟意義的礦化。

It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause . 這些結果很難與任何已知的原因聯系在一起。

Faunal assemblage are directly related to the depositional environment . 動物群落與沉積環境有直接關系。

The total energy e is closely related to the amplitude a of the motion . 總能量E和運動的振幅A密切相關。

It is sometimes difficult to relate the two specifications . 要把兩種描述方法聯系起來有時是困難的。