
relapse n.1.復舊,故態復萌;退步;墮落;累犯。2.【醫學】再...


In december , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 十二月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In september , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 九月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In february , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 二月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In january , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 一月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In october , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 十月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In august , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 八月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In march , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 三月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

Honey , if you ' re thinking about relapse , 親愛的,如果你擔心復發

In april , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 四月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In june , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 六月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

In july , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 七月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

But she needs to be careful or she might have a relapse 可是她還需要小心,不然有可能重犯的。

In may , the number of notifications of relapsing fever was 0 五月份,回歸熱的呈報個案有0宗。

Part two expounds the relapse of 第二部分是1959年到1960年的反復。

He was born silly and had a relapse 他生來就笨,而且還會舊病復發

If you disregard the doctor ' s orders , a relapse will follow 如果你不聽從醫囑,病痛就會復發。

After they had gone the hotel relapsed into deep silence 一切都結束了,旅館里又恢復了寂靜。

Does his daughter know of the relapse 他的女兒知道他又犯病了么? ”

He soon relapsed into his old bad habits 他很快地回復舊有的壞習慣。