
rel REL =rate of energy loss 能量損...


From chapter 2 to 4 , the author tries to reveal the development , formation and change of yosidasigeiru “ s diplomatic thinking toward china through an examination of three activities which he participated . specifically , the second chapter examines yosidasigeiru “ s participation in the proposal , operation and outcome of the management strategies of yalujiang lumbering company from which we can see his emphasis on mercantilism in his early diplomatic rel 在實證性考察的基礎上,在本文的終章里,將分析吉田茂早期對華外交思想的基本特征,理清它的特征的關系,歷史意義,以及影響,揭示其思想內涵,并廓清吉田茂早期對華外交思想的全貌,探索它對吉田茂戰后外交思想形成的影響。

This involves a total investment of some $ 100 billion to complete five new passenger rail projects ( the kowloon southern link ( ksl ) , shatin to central link ( scl ) , island line extensions ( ile ) , northern link ( nol ) , and regional express line ( rel ) ) and a port rail line for freight 該策略建議本港興建多五條客運鐵路線(包括九龍南線、沙田至中環線、港島鐵路延線、北環線及區域快線)及一條貨運鐵路線(港口鐵路線) ,所涉及的投資總額約為1 , 000億元。

Simple genetic algorithm gets local minimization too easily and converges slowly . to solve these problems , adaptive crossover rate that has reverse hyperbolic rel ation with the numbers of iteration is designed , and adaptive mutation rate that has reverse proportion to the distances of parents and reverse exponential relat ion to the numbers of iteration is put forward . the practical simulation results show that the adaptive ga has greater convergence speed and larger probability o f getting the best solution 簡單遺傳算法存在著收斂速度慢、易陷入局部極小等缺陷.針對這些缺陷,本文設計出隨相對遺傳代數呈雙曲線下降的自適應交換率,并提出與父串間的相對歐氏距離成反比、隨相對遺傳代數指數下降的自適應變異率.實例驗證表明,具有自適應交換率和變異率的遺傳算法在收斂速度和獲得全局最優解的概率兩個方面都有很大的提高

The fast development of today ' s science and technology brings us and our soc - iety new challenges . cultivating students “ ability of innovation has become the core content of mordern education . this thesis first concertrates on the definition and the necessity to cultivate students “ ability of innovation in the 21st century in our country . lt also illustrates such things in the process of chemistry teaching as the rules to obey , the reasonable goals the decide , the suitable ways to choose and the proper teaching methods to use . then it makes clear the content and various kinds of methods of evaluating students “ ability of innovation . at last we have drawn rel - ative condusions through our teaching experiment and we have also found out some existing problems in this field 當今世界科學技術的迅猛發展給人和社會的發展提出了新的挑戰,培養學生具有創新能力,成為現代教育的核心內容。本文首先論述了創新能力的涵義及新世紀我國培養學生創新能力的必要性;其次闡述了在化學教學實施過程中遵循的原則,確定合理的目標,選擇恰當的途徑及運用合理的教學模式;再次明確對學生進行創新能力評價的內容,采用多種方法對學生進行創新能力的評價;最后通過教學實驗,得出了相關結論及存在問題。

The foreign experience enlightens us that : first , high attention must be paid on the establishment and perfection of the individual credit system ; second , related legislation according to china must be made as quick as possible ; third , the source of the credit data must be opened to quicken the development of the market for credit rating ; forth , institutional structure and rel 通過對發達國家先進經驗的研究,作者認為:第一、個人信用制度是國家信用管理體系和整個信用制度的重要內容,在市場經濟逐步發展的今天,必須高度重視建立和完善個人信用制度;第二、盡快制訂適合中國國情的信用管理相關立法方案;第三、開放數據源,加快發展征信市場:第四、發展個人信用,要健全個人信用組織機構,建立各項配套制度:第五、要加快信貸風險管理體系的建立等。

And then , based on present legislation in china , the author analyzed the responsibilities in public in administration law and the responsibilities in criminal law , come into the conclusion that the responsibilities in public law is intensive but is not helpful to recover the damages incurred by the shortage . part four is about the related responsibilities in civil law for the shortage of capital contribution , according to the regulations in company law and the rel 首先對我國現行出資瑕疵責任制度的缺陷進行了分析,指出:我國現行立法規定的股東出資瑕疵的行政責任、刑事責任比重超過民事責任,存在重公法責任輕私法責任的趨向;股份有限公司發起人的出資瑕疵責任輕于有限責任公司的股東;出資違約責任、損害賠償責任、資本充實責任的規定殘缺不全;未能凸顯控股股東的資本充實責任。

Baoxin insists on the aim of exploring international markets with high quality and sound credibility and the goal of s pecialty , novelty quality . its products have won various honors in green agricultural product etc . baoxin owns rights of import export and has been appraised as years successively . it has built up rel atively complete system for product quality management and passed accreditation of iso9000 haccp 本公司擁有自營進出口權,連續幾年被評為“守合同,重信用”單位“資信aaa級”企業及“省級農村科技示范戶” 。建立了較完善的產品質量管理體系,通過了iso9000 haccp及fda產品體系認證。

The overseas chinese chamber of commerce of hexidistrict is a social non - profit organization , which is form with the overseas chinese , chinese original abroad , hong kong and macao ' s compatriots , returned overseas chinese relatives and hong kong rel - atives who are developing investment in hexi district 河西區僑商會是由海外華僑、華人和港澳同胞及歸僑、僑眷、港澳同胞眷屬在河西區投資的企業、團體或在河西區投資發展的華僑、華人和港澳同胞及歸僑、僑眷、港澳眷屬個人共同組成的非營利性社會團體,是按照海外社團模式、由會員自主管理、自籌資金、自我發展的社團。

Abstract : the almost ideal demand sy stem ( aids ) is used to condition of analy ze systematically the food consumption u rban inhabitants of henan province and a n aids model is set up as a basis to ana lyse the elasticities of demand expendit ure and price ( own price elasticity and cross - price elasticity ) the results show that among the five major groups of foo d consumption , grain and poultry and egg are major consumer goods , 55 of total ex penditure in urban housholds tobacco , lig ur and tea ' s shares are decreasing , as in come increasing all foods have leap out of the shortage , and the substituting rel ationship among the foods is expanding 文摘:利用幾乎理想系統( aids )對河南城鎮居民的食品消費狀況進行了系統分析,建立了幾乎理想需求系統模型,并在此基礎上進行了需求支出彈性和需求價格彈性(自價格彈性和交叉價格彈性)分析,結果表明,在5大類食品消費中,糧食和肉禽蛋是城鎮居民的主要消費品,約占食品消費的55 % ,煙酒茶消費份額隨著人們收入提高呈下降趨勢.各種食品跳出“短缺”困境,食品間的替代關系增加

At rest , the heterodimeric rel / nf - k b complex is located in the cytoplasm bound to an inhibitory factor , i k b . upon stimulation , i k b is phosphorylated and degraded , free nf - k b then translocates into the nucleus where it binds to k b site to regulate transcription 靜息時, re皿4bh聚體與抑制蛋白kbs結合,在細胞漿中保持無活性。受到刺激, ikb分子迅速磷酸化并降解,釋放nf兒b轉位入核,通過與kb位點結合調節轉錄。

The proposed regional express line ( rel ) , which connected the boundary through express service to hung hom with a possible further extension across the harbour to hong kong island , was one of the six new passenger rail corridors envisaged in the strategy 建議的區域快線是該策略計劃擬興建的6條新鐵路走廊之一。該快線是連接邊界與紅?的快速鐵路,并可能進一步延伸至港島。

Though made the subject of massive amounts of hype prior to its 1992 rel ease , far and away established a pattern of middling commercial returns and modest critical praise that characterized kidman s next two efforts , my life and malice 隨后,在1995年的賣座巨片永遠的蝙蝠俠batman forever中,基德曼飾演了一個美麗的女心理醫生,再次獲得成功。

At the media session held after a meeting with the vice chairman of the state development planning commission , the chief secretary for administration advised that rel was one of the priority item of hong kong s investment programme 政務司司長及國家發展計劃委員會副主任舉行交流會后表示,區域快線在香港的投資計劃中是優先處理的項目之一。

Abstract : burrowing behaviors of the plateau zoko rs ( myospalax bailely ) in rel ation to soil hardness were investigated by using radio - telemetry at haibei alp i ne meadow ecosystem research station , qinghai , china 文摘:采用無線電遙測法在中國科學院海北高寒草甸生態系統定位站對高原鼢鼠的挖掘行為及其與土壤硬度的關系進行了研究。

As a new style of inertial sensor , the micromachined accelerometer has many advantages over the traditional accelerometer , for example , in bulk , weight , cost , power consumption , rel iabi li ty and 作為一種新型慣性傳感器,它在體積、重量、成本、功耗、可靠性和壽命等方面都具有同傳統加速度計無可比擬的優勢。

Hon lau chin - shek raised a question on the details of the planning and the construction schedule , and the anticipated date of commissioning of rel in examining the estimate of expenditures 2004 - 05 劉千石議員在審核2004至05年度開支預算中就區域快線的規劃細節和建造時間表,以及預計通車日期提出質詢。

Abstract : in a induction motors fed by a pwm voltages sour ce inverter , the insulation system endures much higher stresses , so that its rel iability will be affected 文摘:與電網供電相比,變頻器供電的異步電機絕緣系統承受了更高的應力,因而有必要以新的標準對變頻電機的絕緣系統進行重新考慮。

This has lead to the works on drm related standards including xrml , oma , mpeg21 rel , oebf and doi . below are some interpretations on what digital rights management is 這使得有必要研究和數字版權管理相關的標準包括:可擴充版權標記語言,開放移動聯盟, mpeg21rel ,開放電子圖書論壇和doi

This paper introduces the theory of the hardware circuit , calculates the rel iability of the hardware circuit and illuminates the design principle and anti - jamming measure 本文介紹了硬件電路原理,對硬件電路進行了可靠性計算并詳細的說明了硬件的設計思想和抗干擾措施。