
rekindle vt.,vi.1.再點火;重新燃起;重新燃燒。2.〔比喻...


Beyond rekindled buzz and newfound entertainment , the 2004 - 05 suns were never valued for what they nearly accomplished until this year ' s suns came along and matched the 11 - 2 start of 2004 除了重新燃起的熱情與被新發現的娛樂成分之外,大家從來沒有對2004 - 05年的太陽-與他們差點達成的目標-做出正面評價.直到今年的太陽達成了11勝2負,與2004年一樣的開季戰績為止

Peninsula network october 26 - ( intern reporter li wen li yong ) at about zero today , the hong kong east road because of a gas leak hotel kitchen suddenly deflagration , rekindled the flame lit a moment cooks his clothes 半島網10月26日訊(實習生李勇記者李雯)今天零時許,香港東路一酒店廚房煤氣因泄漏突然發生爆燃,燃起的火苗瞬間點燃了廚師身上的衣服。

A stronger trend to economic releases helped sentiment as they suggested a more robust outlook for the economy , without being strong enough to rekindle fears that the federal reserve could increase interest rates in the new year 經濟數據轉強的趨勢提升了市場情緒,因為這意味著經濟前景變得強勁,不過還沒強到讓市場擔心美聯儲可能在2007年加息的地步。

There was , it might be said , the energy of her mother s unexpended family , as well as the natural energy of tess s years , rekindled after the experience which had so overwhelmed her for the time 我們也可以說,雖然苔絲以前的那番經歷暫時把她完全壓倒了,但是母親的娘家沒有消耗掉的力量,以及苔絲青春年代的自然力量,都在苔絲身上被重新激發出來。

As a historic symbol of ancient athens , it highlights the special meaning of staging the first olympic summer games of the new millennium in the city that rekindled the olympic ideal 這個標志具有古代雅典的歷史意義。今年的夏天奧運會將會在第一屆奧林匹克運動會的發源地雅典舉行,這代表著奧林匹克的理想再次在雅典重燃。

We merely serve as her instruments , bringing divine mercy to every corner of the world , reminding people of their godly nature , and thus rekindling a true sense of love and brotherhood 我們有幸能當師父的工具,將她的圣愛傳播到世界各地,提醒世人內在的上帝本質,讓他們重新了解愛與手足之情的真義。

But on the other hand , having fewer movies isn t really that bad , if the overall quality is better , that may actually rekindle the interest of the audience . this year we ll have the highly anticipated movies like 今年其實有頭文字d七劍這些令很多人期待已久的電影,我希望這都能夠給觀眾信心。

Holy cow ! that is shocking news ! i expected the clips for sure ! i discounted the heat because of shaq ' s age but . . wow . so mobley wasn ' t wanting to rekindle things 應該是感嘆詞,大白牛? ? ) ,真是令人震驚的消息.我希望他是真的,因為奧尼爾的年齡我不認為熱火是很強的,所以,穆雷不想讓事情有轉變

The film not only compelled congress to open previously sealed files on the shooting , but it rekindled the country ' s interest in the kennedy case and the events surrounding it 該片不僅迫使國會公開以前關于槍殺案件的秘密文件,而且重新點燃了國家對肯尼迪事件和相關事件的關注之火。

Women should be physical and mental training like moonlight , mercy mild , broad - minded , rekindled wisdom shine , with the person who bathed in the cool moonlight in general 女人,應把身心培養得像月光一樣,慈悲柔和,胸襟博大,燃起智慧光芒,讓相處的人如沐浴在清涼的月光中一般

After losing the love of his life , ccile deneuve , to another man decades ago , antoine depardieu travels to morocco to rekindle their romance 因為是達仙尼!達仙尼賦予人物的質感,但凡演員都夢寐以求。狄帕度是個執迷初戀情人的工程師,獨身守候丹露三十年。

A long - lost hope can be rekindled . still , we should be grateful for whatever changes life throws at us , because all too soon the day will come when there are no changes left 不論如何,我們仍然要感激生活的改變,因為不久末日來臨,就不在有任何改變了。

It was clear , as cannavaro lifted that famous trophy flanked by his team - mates , that italy ' s love affair with football had been rekindled 毫無疑問,當卡納瓦羅在隊友的簇擁之下將大力神杯高高舉起時,整個意大利對于足球的那種強烈的熱愛已經被重新點燃。

Get on the horn or fire up the email - - connections with those who are afar need to be rekindled , whether they ' re work related , friends or relatives 桔解:要多留意一下郵件,要與那些在遠方的人重新開始聯系,不管是工作上有關的人,朋友,還是親屬。

Stubbornly , we wait for someone else to reach out to us - - - - believing this is the only way we can forgive and rekindle a friendship or family relationship 我們固執地等他人先向我們認錯- - -認為這才是我們能夠原諒他人、重續友情或親情的唯一出路。

District 6400 hosted a reciprocal visit by three new zealand couples and an australian couple in october 2002 , which rekindled friendships made down under 第6400地區在2002年10月也接待3對回訪的紐西蘭夫婦及1對澳洲夫婦,重續在南半球締結的情誼。

The senate is rekindling the debate on immigration reform with a preliminary vote on legislation that would legalize millions of unlawful immigrants 參議院正重新商討移民法暗修訂,有了初步的立法表決,這將使上百萬的非法移民合法化。

I descended cautiously to the lower regions , and landed in the back kitchen , where a gleam of fire , raked compactly together , enabled me to rekindle my candle 我小心地下樓,到了后廚房,那兒有一星火苗,撥攏在一起,使我點著了蠟燭。

Time , then , to rekindle a little glamour , by using lasers to bring about nuclear fusion , the great prize of energy research 現在看來是重新讓人們對激光感興趣的時候了,辦法就是利用激光,激發核聚變,這就是能量研究方面最大的回報。