
rejuvenate vi.,vt.1.(使)回復青春;(使)恢復精神,(使)...


We will continue to implement the strategy of rejuvenating northeast china and other old industrial bases 繼續實施東北地區等老工業基地振興戰略。

However , the skin ' s natural rejuvenating processes begin to slow down as time passes by 但是,隨著年齡的增長,肌膚自然更新的周期便會開始減緩。

Realizing the great development of information industry , rejuvenating the old jilin industrial base 振興吉林老工業基地實現信息產業跨越式發展

Power gui for rejuvenating traditional applications with a three - dimensional look 功能強大的gui使用三維視覺效果使舊的應用程序外觀重現生機。

Over time , the new cells will replace your old ones , resulting in a rejuvenated heart 假以時日,這些新細胞將取代舊細胞,而造成心臟的更新。

8 we must always change , renew , rejuvenate ourselves ; otherwise we harden 我們必須不斷的改變、更新自己,使自己富有朝氣;否則我們會僵化。

Jennifer : it also 3 ) rejuvenates the face and hair 4 ) follicles and helps hair to grow back 珍妮花:它還會活化臉部及發囊,幫助頭發長回來。

We must always change , renew , rejuvenate ourselves ; otherwise we harden 我們必須不斷地改變、更新自己,使自己富有朝氣;否則我們會變得僵硬。

We must always change . renew , rejuvenate ourselves ; otherwise we harden 我們必須不斷地改變、更新自己,使自己富有朝氣;否則我們會僵化。

About ownership distribution and rejuvenating the state - owned enterprises in the northeast 論所有權的配置與東北老工業基地國有企業振興

We must always change , renew , rejuvenate ourselves ; otherwise we harden 我們必須不斷改變,不斷更新,不斷恢復活力,否則我們就會僵化。

Rejuvenates and relaxes reduces effects of aging caused by gravity suitable for all ages 130cm - 200cm的調整桿能適合任何人任何年層。

We must always change , renew , rejuvenate ourselves . otherwise we harden 我們必須經常變化,更新,激發我們自己。否則,我們就僵化了!

Essential for the party to give top priority to development in governing and rejuvenating the country 發展是我黨執政興國的第一要務

Probably formed in early proterozoic , it was rejuvenated repeatedly in late stage 其形成時間可能為早元古代,后期又有多次復活。

The strategy of rejuvenating northeast old industrial bases in new industrial system 對新工業體系背景下振興東北等工業基地的認識

Stick to sci - tech innovations to rejuvenate the equipment industry of environmental protection 堅持科技創新振興民族環保裝備產業

Skin is rejuvenated , appears more even toned and refined after 6 weeks 經過六星期的密集使用,膚澤更均勻,皮膚肌理更細致動人。

On the experience and lessons of the soviet ' s rejuvenating the country through science and technology 論蘇聯科技興國的經驗教訓